Un proiect depus cu prietenii la Uniunea Europeana, FP7-REGPOT-2008-1 : BIOCHEM
Proposal full title: Strengthening Research Capacity in the field of Colloidal Chemistry in view of Bionics and Biophysics Applications
Proposal acronym: BIOCHEM
Type of funding scheme: Coordination and support actions (Coordinating)
Work programme topics addressed: REGPOT-2008-1
Name of the coordinating person: Prof. Alexandru MARIN
List of participants: University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest – UPB.
1: Scientific and/or technical quality, relevant to the topics addressed by the call
1.1 Concept and objectives
In 2004 the EU launched a special call: FP6-2004-ACC-SSA-2, destined for the promotion of cooperation with Associated Candidate Countries – Reinforcement of the Associated Candidate Countries Research Capabilities, specifically dedicated to Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. From the 1-st of January 2007 Bulgaria and Romania became members of EU and the reinforcing measures for their research capabilities are still necessary, even if there were made important steps forward in the past 3 years, in order to achieve high principles established in the EU, concerning S&T cooperation policy. The Action Plan adopted is focused on reinforcement of research infrastructure, improvement of the human potential, institutional building and promotion of joint RTD activities for the mutual benefit and regional impact in the EU Convergence and Outermost regions.
The Project is focused on applying the above mentioned priority activities on a specific case of a research centre: National Consultancy Centre for Environmental Protection in Chemical and Petrochemical Industry (CNCCPMICP) from University POLITHEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania.
The field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics, respectively the utilization of emulsions, micro-emulsions and bio-polymers to sterilization or cell multiplication, by using flow processes inside ultrasound and / or electrical fields has witnessed quite remarkable progress in recent years.
The concept of the Project is based on the realisation of the FP7’s international dimension by establishing closer and enhanced research collaboration between selected prominent teams from the Member States and Romania, in the above mentioned field of RTD.
The partnership is well suited for the challenges/achievements of the proposed Project. The team includes members from two excellent yet growing research institutions with highly competent staff and outstanding results in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics: National Consultancy Centre for Environmental Protection in Chemical and Petrochemical Industry (CNCCPMICP-UPB) from University POLITHEHNICA of Bucharest - UPB, Romania and Laboratory POMA UMR CNRS 6136, from the University of Angers, France.
The team members largely cover the range of skills required to perform the work plan of this Project. Moreover, most of them have worked together on previous research projects. The partnership was created with the intent of synergistically combining complementary technical-scientific expertise. Longstanding experience in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics will assure with high probability a successful achieving of all project's objectives.
The main project objectives include:
- organization of two-way mobilities between participants in the project team with the purpose of increasing the knowledge base, skills and experience of research staff, by means of training activities;
- reinforcement of the human potential;
- upgrading existing equipment in CNCCPMICP – UPB;
- knowledge transfer at national and international level;
- dissemination of knowledge and promotional activities.
These objectives are included in the Work Program of the call FP7-REGPOT-2008-1, expected results contributing to upgrading the RTD capacity and capability of the project team, twinning with other research groups from EU, building a regional RTD capacity in the South-Eastern part of Europe – targeting to apply a project in INTERREG IVC Program – European Regional Development Fund and increasing the chances to successfully participate to complex research projects in FP7, on the topics covered by the Project BIOCHEM.
The two-way mobility actions are intended to promote circulation of expertise among the partners, to analyze the research capabilities of partnering institutions in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics, and to enable training for involved staff. Three types of mobilities are planned: long term two-way secondments of research staff, medium term stays and short-term stays.
The reinforcement of the human potential will be performed through recruitment by the CNCCPMICP – UPB of one incoming experienced researcher, and hiring of five new young researchers by the CNCCPMICP – UPB, as an institution from the EU Convergence Region.
Availability of modern scientific equipment, access to innovative technology and improving the mobility of scientists and engineers are high on the “attractiveness” scale for competent researcher who left Romania. All planned activities within this Project are in accordance with above-mentioned things and they will be the effective means for contribution of “brain gain” phenomenon.
Two workshops and one conference are planned during the Project life to provide knowledge transfer at national and international level as they will involve key personnel of the consortium and invited researchers. In order to boost the reputation of the consortium members and to enhance the visibility of the Project results, six workshop grants will be available to researchers from other Romanian academic institutions, industrial representatives, students, etc.
Within this Project proposal, the following dissemination and promotional activities are planned: participating at international and regional conferences, publishing scientific papers in leading international journals, presenting the research capabilities to the industry representatives, maintaining the Project web site, releasing short articles and leaflets, giving interviews for the print media, radio and television and delivering special lectures on Project activities.
Success criteria are mostly straightforward and easy to measure, as they relate to the Project objectives within each important activity. The increase of research capacities will be manifested by the utilisation of the new equipment in future research. Therefore a higher quality of scientific results and a greater number of published papers in journals and conferences is to be expected. Reinforcement of human potential will be achieved (and verified) through employment of one incoming experienced researcher and five promising young researchers. This will have a strong impact on the solution of some specific problems faced by Romania, such as the unemployment and the brain-drain phenomena. Two-way mobilities and training of the research staff involved in the Project will directly contribute to the increase of their scientific knowledge. This will be measured not only by the number of papers published at refereed international conferences and journals, but also by assessment of newly initiated research directions and growth of expertise within the consortium. The success of the above-mentioned activities along with dissemination and promotional activities will be finally measured by a number of new joint research projects and contracts. Last but not the least, the success for building a regional RTD capacity in the South-Eastern part of Europe will be measured by applying a project in INTERREG IVC Program – European Regional Development Fund and, with the contribution of the present Project, to be accepted for financing.
1.2 Quality and effectiveness of the support mechanisms, and associated work plan
1.2.1. The overall strategy of the work plan
The work plan of the proposed Project is intended to ensure that the Project objectives are fully accomplished, as well as to guarantee that the Project’s impacts are as strong and far-reaching as possible. As the work plan deals with time-dependency, mutual interactions of activities and a useful approach for management and coordination, it has been carefully designed. The overall strategy of the work plan is to mobilize the critical mass of both material and human resources, thus ensuring the success of the Project.
The Work plan of the proposed Project is broken down into six work packages, each having obvious and verifiable start- and end-points. The following work packages are envisaged:
1. Project management and coordination,
2. Two-way mobility and training of research staff,
3. Reinforcement of the human potential,
4. Upgrading and renewal of research equipment,
5. Knowledge transfer at national and international level, and
6. Dissemination and promotional activities.
The project management and coordination work package is devoted to the overall coordination and supervision of the Project. It includes conflict resolution and, if needed, ad-hoc determination of potential corrective actions. Other work packages, which cover support actions, are directly linked to the main Project objectives, such as organization of two-way mobility between the team members, with the purpose of increasing the knowledge base, skills and experience, reinforcement of the human potential, upgrading existing equipment in CNCCPMICP – UPB as well as networking, dissemination and promotional activities.
Detailed descriptions of planned work packages are given in the following subsections.
WP1: Project management and coordination
The main result of this work package will be a smooth-running and successful project, which will fulfil all objectives within the budgetary and time constraints. Project management will ensure that a proper coordination across tasks will be maintained in order to achieve the overall Project goals. The project execution is being carefully planned and will be closely monitored. An inherent objective of this work package is to efficiently and effectively carry out all the administrative, technical and operational management tasks. The first activity in this work package will be a kick-off meeting at the very beginning of the Project, where detailed methods and implementation routes will be agreed.
In order to achieve an efficient execution of the project, the Project Management Board (composed of the Project coordinator – Prof. Alexandru MARIN, Director of the Research Management Dept. from University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest – UPB and Prof. Bouchta SAHRAOUI, from University of Angers - UA) will be responsible for:
- establishing and maintaining the contacts among the Project team members;
- monitoring of the progress with regard to the Work plan;
- preparing the necessary modifications or improvements of the Work plan;
- timely preparation of the project reports;
- scheduling of meetings, workshops and conferences;
- organizing two Workshops where significant results will be presented;
- promoting the Project in a wider research and academic community and
- establish actions for future joint projects and cooperation.
The Project coordinator will act as the administrative interface with the Commission and his duties will be also to deliver all milestone reports and deliverables, to collate and submit of cost statements as well as to coordinate payments and to take care about the distribution of the budget.
A Steering Committee will be installed as the highest decision making body. It will be formed by chosen senior representatives of each scientific group, from the team of the Project.
Annual Project reports, after Steering Committee approval, will be sent to the EU Commission Office (by the coordinator) for reviews and assessments of the Project progress.
The coordination of the Project will ensure that the project work and the team collaboration are appropriate and aimed to achieve the planned results. This coordination will put emphasis on on-time delivery of reports and to assure a smooth workflow in and among the different work packages. Internet communication will be used extensively to facilitate good communication, keep coordination costs down and to assure good documentation of the Project work.
Budget for WP1: Project management and coordination:
Staff costs1 : 49700 €
Revision of reports2 : 19200 €
Legal help3 : 1400 €
Printing and publishing: 2100 €
TOTAL: 72400 €
1 Costs for staff involved in management have been calculated using the following premises: it is assumed that Project coordinator will work all management activities within this Project 3.8 months in total per full duration of the Project. For two Project managers (one from UA and one from UPB) the same engagement will be 3.6 months and for administrative staff 3.8 months. Foreseen full-time monthly salary for Project coordinator is 4200 € including taxes, for Project managers UA = 4800 €, UPB = 3000 €, including taxes and for administrative staff 1500 € including taxes;
2 Costs for revision (audit costs) of the Project reports and budget spending by state-certified company are envisaged with the following amount UPB = 19200 €, for the three years of the Project;
3 Due to the complicated tender procedures and public-acquisition procedures for equipment purchase, funds are planned to cover additional legal help and staff that will perform these procedures, as well as those related to recruitment for new job openings.
WP2: Two-way mobility and training of research staff
More than ever before, the need to support the development of human capital and to increase the knowledgebase in Romania and subsequently in EU is of key importance.
Various mobility actions are a key factor within the proposed Project. They will enable the researchers in the consortium to technically unify their research activities, standardize the level of research and harmonize their work procedures with the ones utilized in the leading European institutions. The mobility actions are intended to promote circulation of expertise among the partners and to analyze the research capabilities of partner institutions in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. Three types/levels of mobility are planned: two-way secondments of research staff (3 months), medium-term stays (15 days) and short-term stays (5 days).
Two-way secondments will be performed between researchers from CNCCPMICP – UPB and POMA UMR - UA, lasting three months, twice during the Project life, with compulsory return. These secondments will be used for exchange of know-how and experience in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics between POMA UMR - UA and CNCCPMICP – UPB. Young researchers will be exposed to different working conditions and complementary equipment for experimental tests. During these stays, preparation of joint experiments is possible, as well as detailed planning of future joint research. These two-way secondments will serve as an important source of novel research results in the field and will result in a number of publications in leading international journals and conferences.
These activities will create a high degree of interaction, dialogue and exchange of ideas between scientists within partnering institutions, which will ensure leading-edge research and hence significantly contribute to strengthening the reputation of the participant’s research teams in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics.
Medium-term stays are aimed for training of six Ph.D. students. During these stays, they may be involved in preparing specific experiments on new topics in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. Through these stays, up-to-date knowledge and specific skills will be transferred between partners, thus creating a strong boost for further cooperative activities and for research/development activities in the near future.
The interaction with people of different backgrounds and languages will help young researchers to widen their knowledge and general horizons. Training is targeted to support implementation of the Project by updating personnel skills and knowledge on different working conditions and laboratory equipment.
These two-week activities are especially useful for CNCCPMICP – UPB staff, because such training will help researchers to gain access to knowledge and expertise existing in the EU. In this way, they will be able to strengthen, develop and consolidate research system in both Romania and EU. The experience gained during training will also contribute to the education process at University Politehnica of Bucharest, since the best young researchers with increased knowledge and international experience will be engaged in teaching process.
The main aim of short-term stays is to use partners’ expertise and experience in working with specific pieces of equipment or some specific research steps. The valuable experience gained through short stays will enable staff from the partnering institutions to apply some of this knowledge in their own institution. Short-term stays also provide a good method of networking, give a good overview of research directions at the partnering institutions, provide specific knowledge on organization of research and research institution itself, human resource management, etc. In addition, the complementary aspects of the partners will encourage the transfer of skills and expertise among the institutions and, consequently, among the participating countries.
Budget for WP2: Two-way mobilities and training of research staff:
Two-way secondments: 59200 €
Medium-term stays: 16200 €
Short-term stays: 14000 €
TOTAL: 89400 €.
4 400 Eur are foreseen for travel costs. For visits in directions from ROM to EU countries 180 Eur per day are foreseen for accommodation costs and in directions from EU countries to ROM for this purpose are planned 140 Eur per day.
WP3: Reinforcement of the human potential
This work package is devoted to tasks performed with the purpose of reinforcement of the human potential of research institutions in the consortium.
Two main activities are foreseen:
- recruitment by the CNCCPMICP – UPB of one incoming experienced researcher, and
- hiring of five new young researchers by the CNCCPMICP – UPB, as an research entity from Romania, belonging to the EU Convergence region.
An incoming experienced researcher will be encouraged as a return mechanism. Hence this Project will be very important factor for his final decision to come back to Romania and to continue with research, teaching, training and mentoring activities. His knowledge and experience will be invaluable, particularly for young researchers.
We strongly believe that his repatriation will be a motivating factor for other experienced researchers who left Romania. We trust that this is the best way to contribute to the brain-gain phenomenon and enhance sustainable development of research centres and laboratories in Romania.
Another important method for reinforcement of the human resources within the consortium will be hiring of new young researchers. New personnel, highly motivated for research work in the emerging fields of science and with strong educational background, will significantly contribute to the strengthening of Romanian research capacities. Candidates for these new openings will be selected according to equal-opportunity policy. The selection criteria will be based on the average grade during studies, field of studies, English and other foreign language abilities. Recently graduates from Bachelor or Master Studies will have priority.
Employment of one incoming experienced researcher and new young researchers is foreseen for period of 33 months, since the first three months are likely to be spent on the formal hiring procedure. There is a strong intention to extend the cooperation with the incoming researcher and new young researchers even beyond this Project’s timeframe and financial means will be provided from other sources (domestic research projects or other Framework Program projects). We are hoping that these funding sources will provide the continuation of these new appointees.
Budget for WP3: Reinforcement of the human potential
Recruitment of incoming experienced researcher: 75900 €
Hiring of five new young researchers: 306900 €
TOTAL: 382800 €.
WP4: Upgrading and renewal of research equipment
Modern and effective research equipment is critical in achieving valuable research results. Research infrastructures play a key role in the creation of knowledge and development of technology and in their diffusion, application and exploitation, thus fostering innovation.
Although modern equipment is important in all fields of science and technology, state-of-the-art measuring equipment is especially significant in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. The team members are selected on the basis of research quality and potential as well as on the complementary aspects of research equipment.
This work package is intended to open new opportunities for research staff from CNCCPMICP – UPB, Romania to have also access to modern equipment for POMA UMR - UA, France. A strategic approach implies an substantial upgrading of the existing equipment and purchasing of new one, in order to strengthen the research capabilities of CNCCPMICP – UPB.
Currently, the CNCCPMICP – UPB Laboratory is equipped with the following specific instruments for doing research in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics: Spectrofluorimeter FP 6500, Spectrometer UV – VIS – NIR: JASCO 670 V; Spectrometer FT – IR – RAMAN JASCO; Atomic Absorption Spectrometer ANALYTIK JENA (flame, furnace and hydride system); Gas Chromatograph – DANI (in flame ionisation detectors), with electron capture and thermal conductibility for organic acids analysis, PAH, THM, PCB, VOC, etc.); High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) – JASCO (detectors UV and fluorescence); Ion Chromatograph (IC) – SYCAM (detector for anions); Zeta Nanosizer MALVERN; Gas chromatograph with mass spectrometer (GC-MS) TERMO, Sonicator Sonics Vibra Cell VCX 750, Irradiation source, Vilber Lourmat, Spin Coating Laurell WS – 400B – 6NPP, Q-switch Nd YAG Laser (Quantel).
The Laboratory POMA UMR - UA allows the access to a sophisticated laser and their equipment for NLO investigations: Continuous lasers (3 lasers); visible and infra-red pulsed lasers (2 Quantel picosecond Nd YAG laser pulse duration about 30ps (2GW/cm2), 1 Quantel nano sencond laser Nd YAG pulse duration 7ns, 1 pico second CONTINUUM with 3 out put wavelenght 532 nm, 1064nm et 355nm and high power. The laboratory has access to Scanning probe microscopies STM, AFM and so on, Profilometer and Ellipsometer. In the field of luminescence, the laboratory benefits of three different lasers that can be used for spectroscopy study: a Spectra physics Beamblok 2060 argon laser, a Spectra Physics Quanta Ray INDI Nd-YAG laser, and a Spectron laser system SL4000 Dye laser. Sample fluorescence is focused on the entrance slit of a Jobin-Yvon THR 1500 monochromator. Visible fluorescence is detected with a Hamamatsu R943-02 photomultiplier tube connected to photon counting Stanford SR430. With this experimental device, it is possible to perform luminescence Spectra, luminescence decay, Fluorescence line narrowing, and time resolved spectroscopy.
Supplementary some computing facilities and their peripherals are needed, without being clearly mentioned, because their contribution to the better functioning of the Laboratory in CNCCPMICP – UPB is focused not only to the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics, but also to complementary topics, possible to develop during the running of the Project BIOCHEM.
The total price for the new equipment in the table above and for the computing facilities and their peripherals is estimated at 339800 €.
WP5: Knowledge transfer at national and international level
Two workshops are planned during the Project. The first workshop will be organized around halfway through the Project life and its title is planned to be “New approaches in sonic chemistry and electro-chemistry”. The second workshop, with a working title “Bio-physical influence of the variable strong fields on the microorganisms inside colloidal systems” will be organized towards the end of the Project life.
These workshops will provide knowledge transfer at national and international level as they will involve both key personnel of the consortium and invited researchers. The workshops will deal with two major issues in the proposed programme: presentation of complementary research facilities within the team members (including the presentation of purchased and up-graded equipment at CNCCPMICP – UPB and its capabilities) and presentation of newly acquired knowledge and skills in the field of the following topics:
- New developments in sonic-chemistry and electro-chemistry, with applications in processing biological liquids;
- New methods for studying the laminar flows of biological and technical liquids, inside domains under the combined influence of ultrasound and electrical fields;
- Electrical and micro-biological stability in manufacturing processes of emulsions, multiple emulsions and technical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food micro-emulsions;
- Industrial and environment applications of sonic-chemistry and electro-chemistry sciences;
- Cell membrane processes inside variable intensity fields;
- Neutralizing or destruction of the microorganisms inside variable intensity fields;
- Cell multiplication in bio-technological processes;
- Colloidal system processing inside variable intensity fields.
The participants will be from the team staff of the Project, researchers from other institutions, as well as industrial representatives. The workshops will try to identify new research directions and foster creation of research teams, emphasizing the co-operation among groups working in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. These discussions will focus on the development of joint research projects, with possible generation of new proposals in the FP7 and other research projects (e.g. EUREKA, SEE-ERA.NET, CIRCE, etc…) funding opportunities. Additionally, the workshops will be an opportunity for teaching and training activities, especially useful for young researchers.
In order to boost the reputation of the team members and to enhance the visibility of the Project results, six grants will be available for the participation at the workshops, but offered to participants who are not directly involved in this Project (researchers from other domestic research institutions, industry, students, etc.).
Apart from promoting the Project world-wide through traditional scientific channels, the team members are inclined to present several significant research achievements (new equipment and reinforced personnel will guarantee high level of research results) at various international conferences and in leading international journals.
Budget for WP5: Knowledge transfer at national and international level:
Organization of two workshops5: 6800 €
Workshop travel grants (ROM → ROM) 6: 7680 €
Workshop mobilities, EU → ROM 7: 9840 €
Organization of a special session at one interesting conference: 5600 €
TOTAL: 29920 €.
5 Two workshops will be organized during the Project life. These events will open to general public and offer dissemination and networking opportunities to a wider circle of researchers. The workshops will be organized as non-profitable events and there will be no attendance fee. Organization expenses are foreseen to cover printing and publishing costs, rent of the conference room, presentation equipment, refreshments, etc.;
6 One mean of dissemination on a regional level are travel grants that will be awarded to six persons from research institutions and industry in different regions from Romania, to cover expenses of attending both workshops;
7 Six researchers from the participants in the team members of the Project will actively participate in every workshop, delivering lectures and training.
WP6: Dissemination and promotional activities
This work package incorporates the activities designed to strengthen the network of the Project team members and to promote and disseminate expertise. These activities will ensure that resources, expertise, and research achievements become visible to a wider research, educational and industrial community. Activities of this type are anticipated for the whole duration of the Project.
Dissemination will be performed on different levels: international (European), regional (South-East Europe), domestic and local. A variety of dissemination methods are planned: participating at international and regional conferences, publishing scientific papers in leading international journals, presenting the research capabilities to the industry representatives, maintaining the Project web site, releasing short articles and news leaflets and delivering special lectures on Project activities.
Additionally, relationships between the Project team members and journalists (in the print media, radio and television) will be cultivated to ensure that results obtained within the Project will be disseminated to the public as widely as possible.
Each team member will focus on promoting the Project through its network of European contacts: research institutes, national institutions as well as industrial partners. In order to immediately improve the Project visibility, a logo will be designed and used in all the dissemination tools.
The first task in broadcasting of Project results will be creating a dedicated web site, containing all relevant information. The web site will be regularly updated in order to stay focused on providing fresh information to both team member and other interested parties. Short articles and news items will provide a forum for the exchange of information inside a wider scientific community.
Selected articles and news will be printed as leaflets in order to inform interested groups on the capabilities of the team members and their involvement in regional, national and international projects.
Dissemination success will be assessed by monitoring the number of visitors and visits to the web site by researchers outside the Project, by the demand for printed leaflets and the number of new contacts established at scientific conferences and other gatherings. The ultimate evaluation will be based on future research and consultancy contracts; especially those that utilize newly acquired equipment and expertise.
Scientific results of the project (contributions from the workshops, study visits, training, novel equipment, etc.) will be disseminated through publication in scientific journals and at international and regional conferences. In addition to fostering the exchange of ideas, these activities will further raise the already established scientific reputation of CNCCPMICP – UPB and POMA UMR - UA, in both domestic and international communities, thus making them favourable partners for future joint projects.
For a wider dissemination of research, participants do not need to restrict their participation at conferences within Europe. Participation at international conferences outside Europe will promote a wider understanding of the benefits of European collaboration as well as the dissemination of scientific results. The team members will give due acknowledgement of the support provided by the European Commission, even after the duration of the Project has been completed.
Budget for WP6: Dissemination and promotional activities:
Participation at international conferences 8: 16500 €
Participation at regional conferences 9: 10500 €
Setup and maintenance of the Project web site: 1600 €
Releasing news leaflets: 4800 €
TOTAL: 33400 €.
8; 9 To foster dissemination, funding is foreseen to help participation of Project staff at leading international and regional conferences, for the amount of 15 persons, for three years duration of the Project; average conference fees, accommodation and travel expenses per each type of conference.
In order to ensure uninterrupted progress of the Project and successful implementation of its objectives, risk analysis is performed that identifies possible problems and proposes contingency plans. From this point of view, the following possible risks can be identified:
- Extra costs in the process of purchasing equipment are needed
- Obstacle in the installation phase of new equipment
- Unpredicted unavailability of key personnel involved in the Project, which could be
caused by illness, personal circumstances or personal career decisions
- Problems with invited speakers and/or key participants at the Workshops
Contingency plan:
- If additional funds are needed for equipment, they will be provided from parts of CNCCPMICP – UPB budget, not originating from this Project
- To help overcome problems that may arise during installation, equipment suppliers will be bound by contracts strictly defining these issues
- Team members agree to take responsibility for their respective shares of staff input to the Project, or/and identify adequate potential contingency funding from their own resources
- Planning date of the Workshops in advance.
- Confirmed agreement with invited speakers and key participants. Only if needed, finding alternatives
Noteworthy is to mention that this Project generates a high level of enthusiasm within the team members, leading to their strong commitment, the work being directly aligned with current activities and interests. The result has been coherent, fruitful discussions and fluid negotiations over the whole proposal elaboration process, which makes us extremely confident about the success potential of this Project.
1.2.5. Description of each work package
The main objectives of this work package are: insuring undisturbed implementation of the Project; correlating different activities; arrangement of the instruments for the management and for the check analyze; connection and supervision among all the team members.
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks), and role of participants
Main result of this work package will be a smoothly running and successful project, which will achieve all its results within the budget and time constraints. The Project Management will ensure that a proper coordination across tasks and across team members will be maintained, to achieve the overall Project objectives within the planned time and budget.
The first task within this work package will be a kick-off meeting.
The Project Management Board will provide the overall strategic direction of the Project ratifies key managerial decisions and will review the Project progress at the major milestones. This Board will be composed of the Project Coordinator (from UPB), and two Local Managers (one per UPB and one per UA).
Project Steering Committee will be responsible for the management of the Project at the top level. It will be formed by representatives of team group, who will nominate a manager. The first Steering Committee meeting will be during the kick-off meeting of the Project and second and third Steering Committee meetings will be held during two planned workshops.
Annual Project reports, after Steering Committee approval, will be sent to the EU Commission Office for reviews and assessments of the Project progress.
In addition to project co-ordination and progress supervision, further tasks of the Project management are corrective actions and conflict resolution.
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)
Within this work package the following deliverables are foreseen:
D1.1 Minutes of the kick-off meeting (M2)
D1.2 First Annual Project report (M12)
D1.3 Minutes of the second Steering Committee meeting (M18)
D1.4 Second Annual Project report (M24)
D1.5 Minutes of the third Steering Committee meeting (M34)
D1.6 Final Project report (M36)
The first (kick-off) meeting of the team Project will be organized in month two of the Project life. The annual writing reports will cover all activities during that year and a final Project report will give a conclusion of what has been done during the whole project period. Minutes of the Steering Committee meetings represent documents about activities and actions of the Steering Committee.
This work package is aimed to mobility and training actions. The mobility actions are intended to promote circulation of expertise among the team members and to analyze the research capabilities of the staff in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. Training is planned in order to increase knowledge base of research staff as well as to help networking and foster future collaboration.
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks), and role of participants
Activities within this work package have been designed to ensure the exchange of know-how and experience between the team members.
Three types of mobilities are foreseen:
- two-way secondments (between UPB and UA)
- medium-term stays (among all team members)
- short-term stays (among all participants)
During two-way secondments (in total six month) young researchers will be exposed to different working conditions, novel scientific and technical aspects and complementary equipment. This stays will serve as a good mean for preparation of joint experiments and future joint project proposals.
Medium-term stays (15 days) are aimed for training of Ph.D. students from the two universities (UPB and UA) and they will be involved in preparing specific experiments on new topics in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics.
The main aim of short-term visits (5 days) is to use team members expertise and experience in working with specific pieces of equipment or to gain knowledge about management system in well-known EU research institutions.
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)
The following phase reports will be deliverables in this work package:
D2.1 Phase reports on the two-way secondments (M10-M25)
D2.2 Phase reports on the medium-term and short-term visits (M3-M34)
Every member of the Project staff need to give a phase report to the coordinator after any type of abovementioned mobilities and to present knowledge and experience gained during these stays. Additionally, it is necessary to explain realization and distribution of the financial means during the visits.
Recruitment (CNCCPMICP – UPB) of one incoming experienced researcher and hiring of new young researchers are main objectives of this work package. These activities will reinforce the human potential of the research teams and will contribute to prevent (or reduce) brain-drain phenomenon, typical for the South-Eastern part of Europe region, respectively for Romania.
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks), and role of participants
This work package is devoted to tasks performed with the purpose to reinforce the human potential of research institutions from where the team members belong. Two main activities are foreseen:
- recruitment by the CNCCPMICP – UPB of one incoming experienced researcher and
- hiring of five new young researchers by the CNCCPMICP – UPB, as an institution from the EU Convergence region.
In order to fulfil objectives with regard to hiring of new young researchers, following tasks need to be performed: advertising new job openings in national and regional newspapers; analysis of application documents and interviews with applicants; final selection of candidates; performing legal procedure for hiring and formal election of candidates.
In addition to the above-mentioned activities, person-months shown for this work package include also engagement of an incoming experienced researcher and newly hired researchers.
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)
D3.1 Report on the employment of the incoming experienced researcher and young researchers (M3).
After completion of legal procedure for hiring, the coordinator need to inform the Steering Committee on the
employment of one incoming experienced researcher and new young researchers.
The objective of this work package is upgrading and renewal of research equipment as well as training research staff for using new instruments and thus improving research capabilities of CNCCPMICP – UPB.
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks), and role of participants
This work package is intended to open new opportunities for research staff from CNCCPMICP – UPB, Romania to have access to pieces of modern equipment for research in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. Such a strategic approach to the upgrade of existing and purchase of new equipment will hugely strengthen the research capability of CNCCPMICP – UPB.
The work package can be broken down into following tasks: compiling tenders from the equipment suppliers; selecting the most appropriate quotation - based on the price, equipment quality and compatibility, warranty conditions, future maintenance possibilities, installation time, etc.; equipment provision; equipment installation; training of CNCCPMICP – UPB staff regarding the use of new equipment (delivered by the equipment suppliers.
Equipment foreseen for funding by this Project is relative long and was listed in the table presented in the paragraph 1.2.1, in the chapter dedicated to WP4.
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)
The following deliverables are planned within this work package:
D4.1 Report about tender documentation for purchasing new equipment and selection of the best offer (M3)
D4.2 Report on equipment purchasing, installation and training (M5)
New equipment, which will enhance existing measuring techniques and add some new ones, and therefore enlarge practical possibilities regarding the research in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics, will be purchased through a procedure of open tender for the best offer. The deliverables in this set presents documentations about legal tender procedure for purchasing new instruments. After completion purchasing procedure and after installation and training, the Project coordinator need to inform in the report form, the Steering Committee on the equipment purchased.
The main objective of this work package is providing knowledge transfer at national and international level for both key personnel of the consortium and invited scientists. Organization two workshops and one conference are planned in order to present complementary research facilities within the Project team members, including the presentation of purchased and up-graded equipment at CNCCPMICP – UPB and its capabilities, as well as to present newly acquired knowledge and skills in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics.
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks), and role of participants
The following tasks are planned within this work package:
- organization of the Workshop 1: “New approaches in sonic chemistry and electro-chemistry”,
- organization of the Workshop 2: “Bio-physical influence of the variable strong fields on the microorganisms inside colloidal systems”, and organization of the special session during an International Symposium.
The role of the CNCCPMICP – UPB staff will be both in organizational meaning and active participation at the Workshops and conference. Entire research staff of the Preject will participate in the above-mentioned
activities getting an excellent opportunity to boost their knowledge base, make new contacts and obtaining scientific exposure in a typical international environment.
In order to boost the reputation of the participants and to enhance the visibility of the Project results, six grants will be available for the participation at the workshops, but offered to participants who are not directly involved in this Project (researchers from other national, regional and domestic research institutions, industry, students, etc.).
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)
The following deliverables provide a comprehensive view of the results obtained in order to enable knowledge transfer at national and international level:
D5.1 Printed materials from the Workshop 1 (M18)
D5.2 Proceeding from the International Symposium and special session devoted to the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics (M24)
D5.3 Printed materials from the Workshop 2 (M34)
D5.4 Report on travel grants distribution for the Workshop 1 and Workshop 2 (M34)
The intended activities for the workshops organization also include: definition of the overall structure of the Workshops and list of invited lecturers and Report on distribution of travel grants for the workshops. After the Workshops and the International Symposium, printed materials, proceeding and CDs are planned as the means for facilitating knowledge transfer and reputation of participants in this Project.
The aims of this work package are to ensure dissemination and exploitation of the Project results through strengthening the network of the Project team members, as well as to promote and disseminate expertise of the participants. The actions will be focused on the promotion of the Project to both scientific and industry community.
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks), and role of participants
Dissemination will be performed on different levels: international (European), regional (South-Eastern Europe), domestic and local.
The following dissemination methods are planned:
- participating at international and regional conferences;
- publishing scientific papers in leading international journals;
- presenting the research capabilities to the industry representatives;
- maintaining the Project web site;
- releasing short articles and news leaflets;
- providing interviews for the print media, radio and television and
- delivering special lectures on Project activities.
All these activities are planned to ensure increased visibility of the team members within wider international research communities, thus making them favourable partners for future joint projects.
Set up and maintenance of the Project web site will be mostly the role of the CNCCPMICP – UPB staff as well as printing promotional materials, but in all other dissemination and promotional activities will be involved personnel from all participants.
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)
The deliverables in this set report the main results of the dissemination and promotional activities of this
D6.1 Final version of the Project web-site (M35)
D6.2 Summary report on promotional materials and promotional activities (M35)
D6.3 Summary reports on participation at international and regional conferences funded within the Project
(M18, M36)
The Project web site will be created as a very efficient dissemination tool. Additionally, all promotional materials will be posted on the Project web site and the report about these activities is planned as a deliverable in this work package. All involved staff need to provide the reports to the coordinator regarding their Project funded participation at international and regional conferences, too.
The main Project components and their interdependencies are depicted below in the Pert diagram:
Work package 1 (Project management and coordination), has direct influence to all other WPs.
Two-way mobilities and training of research staff will contribute to exchange of know-how and experience, thus increasing knowledge base of involved staff. This will enhance dissemination capabilities (WP6) and also has effect on WP5, because trained staff will participate at the Workshops and conferences.
One incoming experienced researcher and new hired young researcher (WP3) will be included in some of various types of mobilities (WP2) and also will participate at the Workshops and conferences in order to share knowledge, build new contacts and expose themselves to a more international environment.
Upgrading and renewal of research equipment (WP4) will directly increase CNCCPMICP – UPB research capacities as well as networking potentials. The access to new instruments will be open for both the Project team members and other regional research centers. New modern equipment will be an excellent opportunity for dissemination of know-how and for promotional activities (WP6) in order to establish reputation of the participants at the highest level.
Organizing two workshops and one international symposium (WP5) will be a good chance for dissemination of knowledge (WP6) among wider research community as well as among potential beneficiaries and raising public awareness. Knowledge gained through workshops (WP5) and participation at international and regional conferences (WP6) will give more intensity and significance to mobilities of research staff (WP2).
2. Implementation
2.1 Management structure and procedures
The organisational structure is designed to provide efficient technical and financial management of BIOCHEM, as well as the day-to-day administration, general coordination and supervision of the Project.
Considering the fact that the team of this Project belongs to two institutions, one from Romania and other from France, the management structure should not be so complicated.
The Project Management Board (PMB) provides the overall strategic direction of the Project ratifies key managerial decisions and reviews project progress at the major milestones. PMB will be composed of the Project Coordinator (Prof. Alexandru MARIN), Director of the Research Management Dept. from University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest – UPB and Prof. Bouchta SAHRAOUI, from University of Angers - UA. The Board will be chaired by the project coordinator. The Board will adopt all the necessary measures to guarantee the optimal integration and coordination of all project components, which will be required for the successful leadership of the team members in order to achieve the overall project objectives. In addition, PMB will be responsible for the monitoring of scientific, technological and financial execution of the Project. The coordinator responsibility is to maintain regular contacts with the NCPs and the EC. The Project coordinator also needs to collect and collate the financial and technical information regarding different activities within the Project and deliver cost statement and progress reports to the Steering Committee and the European Commission.
In order to achieve an efficient execution of the project, PMB will be responsible for the following activities:
- contacts between the team members;
- monitoring of the progress regarding the work plan;
- preparation of possible modifications/improvements of the work plan;
- timely preparation of the Project reports;
- scheduling and organization of the project meetings, workshops, conferences and promoting the Project activities and results.
Monitoring Steering Committee will be responsible for the management of the Project at the top level. It will be formed by chosen senior representatives of each scientific group, from the team of the Project. The first Steering Committee meeting will be the kick-off meeting of the Project, planned for the second month from the Project start date. In order to minimise travel, accommodation and subsistence costs, regular (the second and the third) Steering Committee meetings will be held during the two planned workshops. If any strategic problems, which cannot be handled by the Project Management Board, occur, additional Steering Committee meetings will be called by the project coordinator.
Project reports, after Steering Committee approval, will be sent to the EU Commission Office (by the coordinator) for reviews and assessments of the Project progress. If not requested otherwise. Project reports will be annual.
Communication within the Project will normally be performed by email and telephone. A detailed project plan, consistent with this proposal, will be produced at the start of the Project and discussed for approval at the first Steering Committee meeting. It will be then circulated to all Project team members, and published at the web site. The plan may be updated to reflect progress and changes in the work programme.
In addition to project co-ordination and progress supervision, further tasks of the Project management are corrective actions and conflict resolution. Critical situations have to be handled in additional management meetings and team members failures to provide certain deliverables will be handled in accordance with the procedures set out at the beginning of this Project.
Conflict resolution mechanisms
In the event of a conflict arising between any of the team members or between one of them and the work programme, the Parties shall first endeavour to settle it amicably. Failing that, the PMB will attempt to negotiate a resolution within the limits imposed by the contract and will inform the EC Project Officer of the situation. If negotiation fails, the matter will be referred to the Steering Committee for a simple majority decision on action to be taken.
Management of knowledge and intellectual property
In order to ensure smooth implementation of the Project work plan, a special session covering Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) issues will be organized at the kick-off meeting and all team members will be requested to fill the register of background pre-existing know-how. Any particular pieces of pre-existing know-how that will be excluded from access rights to other participants should be explicitly stated at this stage. However, this is very unlikely due to already established long-term cooperation among team members – so far we had no problems in sharing equipment, materials and results.
The team will do its best to ensure that published articles and other on-line or off-line material do not fall under any third parties IPR protection. Concerning a potential misuse of web-based service that will be offered by BIOCHEM to the public, necessary actions to secure the service will be taken. It will be a part of the project policy (PMB) to define a trade-off between the extremes of full openness (and full risk) and a closed user group (which is an obstacle for open collaboration).
2.2 Individual participants
Taking into account the interdisciplinary character of the project, its objectives will be accomplished within the interdisciplinary platform for bio-engineering and bio – technologies (BIOINGTEH), existing already in University POLITEHNICA from Bucharest. One essential Laboratory of this platform is organized in the Research Centre CNCCPMICP – UPB, where a key person is Dr. Ileana RAU. She graduated in 1994 from POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania. In 1995 she obtained the master degree and in 2002 she received the PhD degree in chemistry at the same university. In 2007 she received the DSc degree in Physics at the University of Angers France. She is co-author of more than 45 scientific publications including regular papers and 3 student textbooks. In the years 2004 – 2006 Dr. Rau was visiting scientist at Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique (CEA) Saclay France and University of Angers France, where she was working in projects on nonlinear optics with emphasis on semiconducting macromolecules, multifunctional materials and biomaterials. In present Dr. Rau is lecturer at POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest. Awards: Finalist of European Decartes prize (2007).
The total number of Dr. I.Rau papers citations is 82 (self citations of all authors are excluded), and h index is 5 (5 out of 29 – self citations of all authors are excluded) (Scopus – February 27, 2008). A selection of her relevant work is mentioned below:
1. Ileana Rau, P. Armatys, P.A. Chollet, F. Kajzar, C. Andraud, Y. Bretonnière, “Aggregation: A new mechanism of relaxation of polar order in electro – optic polymers”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 442 (2007), p. 329 – 333;
2. W. Bi, N. Louvain, N. Mercier, J. Luc, F. Kajzar, Ileana Rau, B. Sahraoui, “A switchable NLO organic-inorganic compound based on conformationally chiral disulfide molecules and Bi(III)I5 iodobismuthate networks”, Adv. Mat., 20, (2008), p. 1013 – 1017, doi:10.1002/adma.200701753,
3. O. Krupka, A. El-ghayoury, Ileana Rau, B. Sahraoui, J. G. Grote, F. Kajzar, “NLO properties of functionalized DNA thin films”, Thin Films, in press, doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2007.11.089;
4. Ileana Rau, J. Niziol, F. Kajzar, P.-A. Chollet, G. Brusatin, G. della Giustina, M. Guglielmi, R. Centore, M. E. van der Boom, “Novel Sol-Gel Systems For Application In Optical Signal Processing”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst, 446 (2006), p. 141 – 150.
The coordinator of the Project BIOCHEM is prof. Alexandru Marin. Over the 25 years of activity after graduating the university studies, 23 of them being continuously spent in University Politehnica from Bucharest - UPB, it were successfully approached the following scientific and technical topics: 1. Rheology of the adhesives and solder pastes, specific for SMT applications (within scientific group REOROM, in cooperation with CETTI – UPB and the National Centre for Engineering Sciences with Complex Fluids –NCESCF); 2. Mechatronic Systems, analyze – synthesis, mathematical modeling, numerical simulations and experimental identification (within FLUIDAS, in cooperation with SAHPR, APTE and Research Centre for Energy and Environmental Protection from UPB); 3. Impact and environmental studies, energy efficiency and feasibility studies for power plants (hydro, thermal and nuclear), within the Research Centre for Energy and Environmental Protection from UPB; 4. Implementing an efficient management system in the field of university research activities, for the 38 Research Centers from UPB, to the Scientific and Technological Park from UPB and for the Technological Transfer activities for the applicative results obtained in research activities from UPB (within the DMACS – UPB, being its Director from 2002 and in the Business and Technological Incubator / CETTI – UPB, as its Director from 2005).
In the field of the proposed project, in the last 5 years, Prof. Alexandru Marin has published:
1. Marin, Al., C.Bălan, B.Nae - Introducere în mecanica fluidelor nenewtoniene, cu aplicaţii în viscozimetrie, Editura AISTEDA (cod CNCSIS: 46), Bucureşti, 1998, 88 pag., ISBN 973-0-00575-3;
2. Marin Al., Luminita Marin – „Dinamica sistemelor mecano-electro-hidraulice si materialelor viscoelastice”, Edit. Printech (cod CNCSIS: 54), Bucuresti, 2005, 146 pagini, ISBN 973-718-405-X;
3. V.P. Paun, M. Olteanu, Al. Marin – TIME SERIES ANALYSIS ASSOCIATED TO HYDROGEN EFFECT IN HYDRIDED ZIRCALOY-4 SEM MICROGRAPHS, Revista de Chimie, ISSN 0034-7752, vol. 58, nr. 3, martie 2007, pp. 355-360;
4. Alexandru Marin: „Rheology of solder pastes for SMT applications”, Revista HIDRAULICA, nr. 1-2 (17) 2005, ISSN 1453-7303, pag. 7-16 ;
5. N.D. Codreanu, I. Plotog, P. Svasta, C. Turcu, G. Varzaru, D. Pitica, M. Gavan, A. Bara, C. Farcas, Al. Marin, T.C. Turcu – Implementaion of Ecological Technologies in Electronics Industry based on RESPLATEPE Research Project, International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology - ISSE 2007, ISBN 978-973-713-174-5, mai 2007, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 88-94;
6. M. Pana, Al. Marin, O. Alupei, D. Comanescu – NANOSCIENCE ACTIVITY IN UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, 4-th International Workshop on Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials – ANMM 2007, August 2007, Iasi, Romania (the Proceedings will be published in the Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, after a peer review process);
7. N.D. Codreanu, C. Turcu, T.C. Cucu, I. Plotog, P. Svasta, A. Stan, S. Jianu, Al. Marin – “SAC Alloys Implementation in Electronic Products Manufacturing”, 29-th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology - ISSE 2006, pp. 457-461;
8. Alexandru Marin, Andreea Calin, Corneliu Balan – „Constitutive Modeling of Polymer Solutions in Simple Shear and Oscillatory Tests”, ESAFORM 2005 - The 8-th Conference on Material Forming, Cluj-Napoca, april 2005, pp. 791-794, ISBN 973-27-1174-4.
Another key person in the Research Centre CNCCPMICP – UPB, is Dr. Dan Constantin BADEA, specialist in process engineering, biophysics, innovation and technological transfer.
Significant papers published by Dr. D.C. Badea on the proposed theme ale listed below:
1. Badea C. Dan, Nagy, I. Iosif (1992)-Unele considerente privind mecanismele biofizice implicate în acţiunea câmpurilor electrostatice şi ultrasonore asupra celulelor, Lucrările Primei Conferinţe Anuale a Societăţii de Biofizică Pură şi Aplicată, Bucureşti, 14-15 Nov. 1992.
2.Badea C. Dan, Marcu, D. (1992) -Aspecte preliminare ale mecanismelor biofizice implicate în multiplicarea celulară a algelor cu ajutorul energiei solare, Lucrările Primei Conferinţe Anuale a Societăţii de Biofizică Pură şi Aplicată, Bucureşti, 14-15 Nov. 1992.
3. Badea C. Dan, Ghimbovschi C. (1994) -Studiu privind influenţa câmpului electrostatic asupra materialului granular vegetal, în vederea îmbunătăţirii parametrilor de uscare, Lucrările celui de al II-lea Simpozion Internaţional "Biotehnologiile - Azi şi Mâine", BIOTEHNOS, Bucureşti, 29-30 Sept. 1994.
4. Ghimbovschi, C., Badea C. Dan(1994) -Staţie modernizată pentru uscarea materialului vegetal utilizând câmpul electrostatic, Lucrările celui de al II-lea Simpozion Internaţional "Biotehnologiile - Azi şi Mâine", BIOTEHNOS, Bucureşti, 29-30 Sept. 1994.
5. Bărbulescu, N., Nagy, I., Badea C. Dan (1994) -Aspecte biotehnice ale înlocuirii pasteurizării termice cu pasteurizarea neconvenţională, Lucrările celui de al II-lea Simpozion Internaţional "Biotehnologiile - Azi şi Mâine", BIOTEHNOS, Bucureşti, 29-30 Sept. 1994.
6. Badea C. Dan (1996) -Electrostatic elimination of the microbial vectors, Journal of Food Physics, Supplement, Budapest, 1996.
7. Badea C. Dan (1996) -Electrostatic destroying of microorganisms from liquid media, Journal of Food Physics, Supplement, Budapest, 1996.
Dr. D.C. Badea has filed and obtained several Patents in the field of biotechnologies:
1. Nikolic Vasilie, Badea Constantin Dan, Dobrin Alexandru, Guta Tudor, Procedeu pentru eliminarea electrostatica a cojilor dintre miezurile de seminte oleaginoase si separator pentru aplicarea procedeului, Brevet Ro 90452 / 1986.
2. Badea Constantin Dan, Nikolic Vasilie – Procedeu pentru amestecarea electrostatica a lichidelor, Brevet Ro 91707 / 1986.
3. Badea Constantin Dan, Velcescu Benone - Separator electrostatic pentru curatirea miezurilor de seminte oleaginoase, Brevet Ro 100598 / 1989.
4. Badea Constantin Dan, Antohi Constantin, Toma Irina, Guta Tudor - Procedeu pentru purificarea electrostatica a germenilor de grau si separator pentru aplicarea procedeului, Brevet Ro 100599 / 1989.
5. Badea Constantin Dan, Spataru Nicolae, Toma Irina, Guta Tudor - Procedeu pentru curatirea electrostatica a germenilor de porumb, Brevet Ro 100600 / 1989.
6. Badea Constantin Dan, Hanu Ion, Cojocaru Viorica, Ruse Adriana, Brasoveanu Elena, Serbanescu Octavian - Procedeu electrostatic pentru tratarea atermica a berii, Brevet Ro 110533 / 1996.
7. Badea Constantin Dan - Procedeu electrostatic de conditionare sanogena a produselor cerealiere, Brevet Ro 116950 / 2001.
8. Badea Constantin Dan, Georgescu Petre Dan, Predescu Cristian, Aurelian Florian, Neacsu Constantin - Procedeu de separare a particulelor microscopice din lichide, Brevet Ro 120954 / 2006.
9. Badea Constantin Dan, Deak Gyorgy, Georgescu Petre Dan, Predescu Cristian, Deak
Stefania - Procedeu termo-vibroelectrostatic pentru purificarea particulelor de sare gema Cerere de brevet de inventie nr. a 2002 00046.
The laboratory POMA UMR CNRS 6136 is powerful (more than 20 years experience) in the mentioned below fields. The POMA belong to the University of Angers and is recognised by National Center of scientific research CNRS (the most prestigious organization of research in France) and by the French Ministry of High Education, Research and Development. The Laboratory POMA is composed of 27 permanent researchers and 15 not permanent researchers (PHD student + post-doc ). The laboratory possesses a large expertise in all domains relevant to optics, non-linear optical materials and nano-photonics in both visible and infrared regions. The laboratory POMA are looking for transparent materials for applications in ultra-fast all-optical switching. There is need for such materials because the use of opto-electronic technologies in telecommunications will be limited in the near future (10 years) by the ability to handle information carried through optical networks using electro-optic transducers (they suffer from a limited bandwidth of several gigahertz). The possibility which can be offered by such transparent materials having the large electronic non-linearities can be very promising for all-optical switching.
The Laboratory POMA establishment of central facilities will allow to the participants in this project to have high training and educational access to scientific resources, particularly the sophisticated laser and their equipment for NLO investigations. This will include computing power, as well as special experimental expertise in the materials science. All infrastructures required for realisation of the proposed research project are available in laboratory POMA UMR CNRS 6163 (Continuous lasers (3 lasers); visible and infra-red pulsed lasers (2 Quantel picosecond Nd YAG laser pulse duration about 30ps (2GW/cm2), 1 Quantel nano second laser Nd YAG pulse duration 7ns, 1 pico second CONTINUUM with 3 out put wavelength 532 nm, 1064nm et 355nm and high power). The laboratory have access to Scanning probe microscopes STM, AFM and so on), Profilometer and Ellipsometer
In the field of luminescence, three different lasers can be used for spectroscopy study: a Spectra physics Beamblok 2060 argon laser, a Spectra Physics Quanta Ray INDI Nd-YAG laser, and a Spectron laser system SL4000 Dye laser. Sample fluorescence is focused on the entrance slit of a Jobin-Yvon THR 1500 mono-chromatic. Visible fluorescence is detected with a Hamamatsu R943-02 photomultiplier tube connected to photon counting Stanford SR430. With this experimental device, we can perform luminescence Spectra, luminescence decay, Fluorescence line narrowing, and time resolved spectroscopy.
The activities of our laboratory outlined above can be categorised into two main lines depending on the nature of the light matter-interaction process underlying the materials phenomena of interest. On one side, we consider non-resonant NLO interactions such as those involved in second harmonic generation (SHG), third order nonlinear optical susceptibilities, electro-optical effects and intensity-dependent refractive index changes. We focus on those which are, at present, most actively investigated because of their technological relevance, namely:
- Second order nonlinear optical susceptibilities
- Third order nonlinear optical susceptibilities (using DFWM, THG and Z-scan)
- Diagnostics: detection of phase transition using nonlinear optics
- Nonlinear transmission and optical limiting
- Dynamic holography including optical data storage
- Photo-Induced second harmonic generation PISHG
- Electro-optical effects
Key persons in POMA UMR CNRS 6136 are: François Kajzar (Prof), Bouchta SAHRAOUI (Prof), Sylvie dabos-Seignon (Dr) and Abdelkrim El-Ghayoury (Dr).
2.3 Consortium as a whole (only if relevant)
The participants collectively constitute a team capable of achieving the objectives, but not explicitly as a consortium, because only UPB is the single proposer of the project.
i) Sub-contracting: No sub-contracting is foreseen for this Project.
ii) Other countries: Participation and funding of any other countries (without UPB from Romania) is not foreseen within this Project proposal.
2.4 Resources to be committed
The resources are located at the two institutions implied with some members in the team Project, one in the EU Convergence region (UPB) and one the EU countries (UA). Within the created partnership, attention has been paid that facilities and available equipment should be complementary in order to optimize realization of this Project.
Developing and up-grading of the existing research infrastructure, it is necessary to buy equipment for ultrasound applications, high voltage generator and electrical equipment, along with corresponding measurement instruments.
As ultrasound equipment, it is necessary to have apparatus producing field of 20-40 kHz, the optimal domain for water propagation (ultrasound device type IC-1620 INTEGRATED CLEANER - Branson Ultrasonics Corporation), having possibilities for heating up to 60 ºC and digital control of this parameter. It is needed a unit for continuously processing of liquids in ultrasound field LIQUID PROCESSING UNIT (Branson Ultrasonics Corporation), working at 20 kHz, 220 V and having power of 1kW. The study of the processes at cell level we need the Branson Sonifier® ultrasonic cell disruptor and accessories Sonifier® ACCESSORIES (Branson Ultrasonics Corporation).
In electrical field, it is necessary a high voltage generator High Voltage DC Power Supply (Glassman Europe Limited), working in the range 1 – 60 kV d.c.
For microbiological experiments it is needed an apparatus type Beckman Coulter Z Series Coulter Counter Cell and Particle Counter, with measurement range 1–120 μm and a spectral photo-meter Beckman Coulter DU 800 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer (with wave length from 190 to 1100 nm), respectively a microscope Nikon Mini Field Microscope 20x Stereoscopic Naturescope - 7314 w. A pH-meter like METTLER TOLEDO S20FB pH/mV/Temperature Meters Meter With Inlab 425 Electrode w is absolutely necessary and an analytical weighting machine Mettler Toledo Classic Level, AB-S/VWR Analytical and PB-S/VWR Precision Top-Loading Balance. An apparatus for water distillation could be Barnstead MEGA-PURE Automatic Water Distillation Apparatus.
Duration of the Project is 36 months with an envisaged effort of 305 person-months. The biggest part of the budget is planned for the reinforcement of the human potential (37.57%), and for equipment up-grading (33.35%), after that for two-way mobilities and research staff training (8.78%), since investments into equipment and human capital directly lead to strengthening of the research capacities participants. Additional 3.28% of the budget is devoted to dissemination and promotional activities, as well as 2.94% for knowledge transfer at national and international level (both activities include organization of workshops, maintaining web site, participation at conferences and realization of different promotional materials). Management and coordination activities take 7.11% of the overall budget and also include audit costs. Overheads are planned to cover indirect institutional
costs, telephone, fax, bank losses, visa costs (for staff from WBC), etc. and they are not greater than 7% of the total budget of the Project.
All presented material and human resources will be mobilised to achieve the objectives of the Project in an optimal and coherent way.
3. Impact
3.1 Expected impacts listed in the work programme
This proposal is aimed to strengthen the current research capabilities and underpin the expansion of growing Laboratories, devoted to the topic of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics, through international cooperation.
The proposed Project will contribute towards a significant number of aspects regarding the expected impacts listed in FP7 Capacities Work Programme: Research Potential. This is illustrated below.
Reinforcement of the CNCCPMICP – UPB as a research center established in the EU’s Convergence region. The aim of CNCCPMICP – UPB is to continuously create a balance between basic science, whose purpose is to make new scientific discoveries, and applied science, whose purpose is to develop new technologies and products.
Although CNCCPMICP – UPB has been involved in a number of EU research projects, an initiative for improving research capabilities is always welcome. In the frame of this Project, research capacities at CNCCPMICP – UPB will be increased in the following ways. Firstly, the Project will enable the CNCCPMICP – UPB staff to widen mobilities devoted to the exchange of know-how, experience and training in their main research focus. This will advance their expertise in a broad spectrum of activities. Secondly, CNCCPMICP – UPB staff will be reinforced by hiring of five young researchers. This is a good way to refresh the research staff with young highly motivated scientists, which can guarantee mobilization of human potential and exploitation of RTD results.
Improving and enlarging the RTD capacity of Romanian
Research capacities of CNCCPMICP – UPB, Romania will be improved in several ways. On personnel front, this will be achieved through two-way secondments of research staff, training of CNCCPMICP – UPB Ph.D. students at POMA UMR - UA, recruitment of an incoming experienced researcher and employment of five new young researchers. The recruitment of one incoming experienced researcher will have a “brain gain-effect” and this will be a driving force of knowledge transfer and quality assurance in the country of origin. Engagement of new young researchers will enlarge the personnel base and also reduce the “brain-drain effect” which has been significant in Romania.
The second element of enlarging the RTD capacity will be through upgrading and renewal of research equipment. The new state-of-the-art instruments will complement the existing equipment and thus meet the needs of CNCCPMICP – UPB in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. This will strengthen its position as one of the most accomplished laboratories of this type in Romania. Such a status will have a strong impact on policy makers during the definition of future industrial and scientific development strategies, where CNCCPMICP – UPB will put the accent on.
Improvement of research capabilities at CNCCPMICP – UPB will directly contribute to the enrichment of the research portfolio performed in UPB and to the production of new research programmes and novel ideas. In the future, CNCCPMICP – UPB will expand and accept more contracts that will lead to new job openings.
Better integrate EU Convergence region countries in FP7 networks and RTD projects
Activities such as mobility, networking, sharing of both results and experiences will provide the opportunity to nurture closer and better partnerships. This will have a positive impact on fostering a multilateral programme approach by supporting R&D projects through the exchange of knowledge and expertise. Additionally, participating researchers from Romania will be able to take advantage of their knowledge gained from this Project for easier access to EU programmes (strengthening the participation of the CNCCPMICP – UPB in future thematic priorities in the frame of FP7). The above-mentioned activities will build up a stronger knowledge-based society, reduce the brain drain, and contribute to economic and social development and regional cooperation.
Generally speaking, this Project proposal is aimed at structuring and expanding the European Research Area to the EU Convergence region countries by coordinating and supporting RTD activities. In addition, a very important factor is training regarding R&D management skills in order to pave the way for a successful participation of the CNCCPMICP – UPB and partnering institutions in European and multilateral projects. This facilitates the sustainability of the collaboration within the partnership.
Contribution to the regional capacity building
Last but not the least, the success for building a regional RTD capacity in the South-Eastern part of Europe will be measured by applying a project in INTERREG IVC Program – European Regional Development Fund and, with the contribution of the present Project, to be accepted for financing.
3.2 Spreading excellence, exploiting results, disseminating knowledge
The main idea of this Project is based on the realization of the FP7’s international dimension through promoting closer cooperation between participants, each having specific competencies and experiences in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. Spreading excellence, exploiting results and dissemination of knowledge represent a key factor of the Proposal. In addition to the usual publication of Project results in international journals and conferences, the teams involved in this Proposal have enough organizational and practical experience to guarantee an efficient way for dissemination of knowledge and result exploitation.
The areas, which will benefit from the realization of this Project are summarized below.
I. The institutional level
Through the successful realization of this Project UPB will have great benefits. Purchase of new equipment is of a huge importance for University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, as the lack of modern equipment for Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics may hinder the quality of the future research activities and research results in this very progressive field. Ultimately, state-of-the-art equipment will lead to a higher quality of postgraduate and undergraduate education. By reinforcing the CNCCPMICP – UPB staff, the research base of the University will be enhanced. Finally, the team members will establish sustainable collaboration and place themselves in a strong position for further grants.
II. The research community
To disseminate the results of this Project in the wider scientific community, the team plans to:
- publish papers at international conferences and journals;
- organize a special session at an international symposium.
During these events interest for partnering institutions will be enlarged in research community and consequently this will bring new research projects and innovative research directions.
III. The industry
Consortium members have a numerous cooperative links with the industry. For example, CNCCPMICP – UPB has long established cooperation with companies from Romania, recently focusing on environmental protection applications. The modern developed techniques could lead to improved environmental protection technologies produced by such companies, increase of their productive output and income, as well as boost of export, which is particularly important for companies and the whole country. Therefore it is expected that results of this Project will have a great impact on the industrial sectors concerned with production and implementation of modern non-pollutant technologies. The planned two workshops, company-specific lectures or seminars, demonstration of ability of newly purchased equipment are planned activities targeted at the industrial community.
IV. The regional level
Dissemination of knowledge accumulated through this Project presents an important boost to other institutions in Romania working in similar research areas. To foster and optimize dissemination of Project results, and to increase specific scientific knowledge base in the South-Eastern part of Europe, participation of some regional partners is foreseen at the two workshops (from WBC, Hungary and Bulgaria). This is also a very good opportunity for dissemination and promotion of the Project results at the regional level.
V. The European level
Establishing closer partnership among the team members will lead to the formation of a new network in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. Important outcome of this Project will be creation of a group of excellent scientists whose skills cover a wide range of necessary competencies, able to lead the innovation and to advance the research in the above mentioned field. This Project will try to overcome the fragmentation between very active and scientifically excellent European research groups, which have not had the opportunity to really integrate and synergically collaborate within one Framework Programme Project.
The main outcome of this approach will be establishing an excellent international research partnership, which will be maintained well beyond the duration of this Project.
All activities planned within this Project proposal will lead to the better involvement of the Laboratories from the EU Convergence region (Romania) in the European Research Area. In that way, Europe will enlarge its research and industrial achievements towards the less advanced regions.
4. Ethical Issues
The proposed Project raises no ethical issues. In the same way, no safety-related issues are raised because research performed by team members in no way involves harmful materials such as toxins, dangerous chemicals or cancerogenic substances. Moreover, this Project will contribute to the consciousness about environmental protection.
Proposal full title: Strengthening Research Capacity in the field of Colloidal Chemistry in view of Bionics and Biophysics Applications
Proposal acronym: BIOCHEM
Type of funding scheme: Coordination and support actions (Coordinating)
Work programme topics addressed: REGPOT-2008-1
Name of the coordinating person: Prof. Alexandru MARIN
List of participants: University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest – UPB.
1: Scientific and/or technical quality, relevant to the topics addressed by the call
1.1 Concept and objectives
In 2004 the EU launched a special call: FP6-2004-ACC-SSA-2, destined for the promotion of cooperation with Associated Candidate Countries – Reinforcement of the Associated Candidate Countries Research Capabilities, specifically dedicated to Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. From the 1-st of January 2007 Bulgaria and Romania became members of EU and the reinforcing measures for their research capabilities are still necessary, even if there were made important steps forward in the past 3 years, in order to achieve high principles established in the EU, concerning S&T cooperation policy. The Action Plan adopted is focused on reinforcement of research infrastructure, improvement of the human potential, institutional building and promotion of joint RTD activities for the mutual benefit and regional impact in the EU Convergence and Outermost regions.
The Project is focused on applying the above mentioned priority activities on a specific case of a research centre: National Consultancy Centre for Environmental Protection in Chemical and Petrochemical Industry (CNCCPMICP) from University POLITHEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania.
The field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics, respectively the utilization of emulsions, micro-emulsions and bio-polymers to sterilization or cell multiplication, by using flow processes inside ultrasound and / or electrical fields has witnessed quite remarkable progress in recent years.
The concept of the Project is based on the realisation of the FP7’s international dimension by establishing closer and enhanced research collaboration between selected prominent teams from the Member States and Romania, in the above mentioned field of RTD.
The partnership is well suited for the challenges/achievements of the proposed Project. The team includes members from two excellent yet growing research institutions with highly competent staff and outstanding results in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics: National Consultancy Centre for Environmental Protection in Chemical and Petrochemical Industry (CNCCPMICP-UPB) from University POLITHEHNICA of Bucharest - UPB, Romania and Laboratory POMA UMR CNRS 6136, from the University of Angers, France.
The team members largely cover the range of skills required to perform the work plan of this Project. Moreover, most of them have worked together on previous research projects. The partnership was created with the intent of synergistically combining complementary technical-scientific expertise. Longstanding experience in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics will assure with high probability a successful achieving of all project's objectives.
The main project objectives include:
- organization of two-way mobilities between participants in the project team with the purpose of increasing the knowledge base, skills and experience of research staff, by means of training activities;
- reinforcement of the human potential;
- upgrading existing equipment in CNCCPMICP – UPB;
- knowledge transfer at national and international level;
- dissemination of knowledge and promotional activities.
These objectives are included in the Work Program of the call FP7-REGPOT-2008-1, expected results contributing to upgrading the RTD capacity and capability of the project team, twinning with other research groups from EU, building a regional RTD capacity in the South-Eastern part of Europe – targeting to apply a project in INTERREG IVC Program – European Regional Development Fund and increasing the chances to successfully participate to complex research projects in FP7, on the topics covered by the Project BIOCHEM.
The two-way mobility actions are intended to promote circulation of expertise among the partners, to analyze the research capabilities of partnering institutions in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics, and to enable training for involved staff. Three types of mobilities are planned: long term two-way secondments of research staff, medium term stays and short-term stays.
The reinforcement of the human potential will be performed through recruitment by the CNCCPMICP – UPB of one incoming experienced researcher, and hiring of five new young researchers by the CNCCPMICP – UPB, as an institution from the EU Convergence Region.
Availability of modern scientific equipment, access to innovative technology and improving the mobility of scientists and engineers are high on the “attractiveness” scale for competent researcher who left Romania. All planned activities within this Project are in accordance with above-mentioned things and they will be the effective means for contribution of “brain gain” phenomenon.
Two workshops and one conference are planned during the Project life to provide knowledge transfer at national and international level as they will involve key personnel of the consortium and invited researchers. In order to boost the reputation of the consortium members and to enhance the visibility of the Project results, six workshop grants will be available to researchers from other Romanian academic institutions, industrial representatives, students, etc.
Within this Project proposal, the following dissemination and promotional activities are planned: participating at international and regional conferences, publishing scientific papers in leading international journals, presenting the research capabilities to the industry representatives, maintaining the Project web site, releasing short articles and leaflets, giving interviews for the print media, radio and television and delivering special lectures on Project activities.
Success criteria are mostly straightforward and easy to measure, as they relate to the Project objectives within each important activity. The increase of research capacities will be manifested by the utilisation of the new equipment in future research. Therefore a higher quality of scientific results and a greater number of published papers in journals and conferences is to be expected. Reinforcement of human potential will be achieved (and verified) through employment of one incoming experienced researcher and five promising young researchers. This will have a strong impact on the solution of some specific problems faced by Romania, such as the unemployment and the brain-drain phenomena. Two-way mobilities and training of the research staff involved in the Project will directly contribute to the increase of their scientific knowledge. This will be measured not only by the number of papers published at refereed international conferences and journals, but also by assessment of newly initiated research directions and growth of expertise within the consortium. The success of the above-mentioned activities along with dissemination and promotional activities will be finally measured by a number of new joint research projects and contracts. Last but not the least, the success for building a regional RTD capacity in the South-Eastern part of Europe will be measured by applying a project in INTERREG IVC Program – European Regional Development Fund and, with the contribution of the present Project, to be accepted for financing.
1.2 Quality and effectiveness of the support mechanisms, and associated work plan
1.2.1. The overall strategy of the work plan
The work plan of the proposed Project is intended to ensure that the Project objectives are fully accomplished, as well as to guarantee that the Project’s impacts are as strong and far-reaching as possible. As the work plan deals with time-dependency, mutual interactions of activities and a useful approach for management and coordination, it has been carefully designed. The overall strategy of the work plan is to mobilize the critical mass of both material and human resources, thus ensuring the success of the Project.
The Work plan of the proposed Project is broken down into six work packages, each having obvious and verifiable start- and end-points. The following work packages are envisaged:
1. Project management and coordination,
2. Two-way mobility and training of research staff,
3. Reinforcement of the human potential,
4. Upgrading and renewal of research equipment,
5. Knowledge transfer at national and international level, and
6. Dissemination and promotional activities.
The project management and coordination work package is devoted to the overall coordination and supervision of the Project. It includes conflict resolution and, if needed, ad-hoc determination of potential corrective actions. Other work packages, which cover support actions, are directly linked to the main Project objectives, such as organization of two-way mobility between the team members, with the purpose of increasing the knowledge base, skills and experience, reinforcement of the human potential, upgrading existing equipment in CNCCPMICP – UPB as well as networking, dissemination and promotional activities.
Detailed descriptions of planned work packages are given in the following subsections.
WP1: Project management and coordination
The main result of this work package will be a smooth-running and successful project, which will fulfil all objectives within the budgetary and time constraints. Project management will ensure that a proper coordination across tasks will be maintained in order to achieve the overall Project goals. The project execution is being carefully planned and will be closely monitored. An inherent objective of this work package is to efficiently and effectively carry out all the administrative, technical and operational management tasks. The first activity in this work package will be a kick-off meeting at the very beginning of the Project, where detailed methods and implementation routes will be agreed.
In order to achieve an efficient execution of the project, the Project Management Board (composed of the Project coordinator – Prof. Alexandru MARIN, Director of the Research Management Dept. from University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest – UPB and Prof. Bouchta SAHRAOUI, from University of Angers - UA) will be responsible for:
- establishing and maintaining the contacts among the Project team members;
- monitoring of the progress with regard to the Work plan;
- preparing the necessary modifications or improvements of the Work plan;
- timely preparation of the project reports;
- scheduling of meetings, workshops and conferences;
- organizing two Workshops where significant results will be presented;
- promoting the Project in a wider research and academic community and
- establish actions for future joint projects and cooperation.
The Project coordinator will act as the administrative interface with the Commission and his duties will be also to deliver all milestone reports and deliverables, to collate and submit of cost statements as well as to coordinate payments and to take care about the distribution of the budget.
A Steering Committee will be installed as the highest decision making body. It will be formed by chosen senior representatives of each scientific group, from the team of the Project.
Annual Project reports, after Steering Committee approval, will be sent to the EU Commission Office (by the coordinator) for reviews and assessments of the Project progress.
The coordination of the Project will ensure that the project work and the team collaboration are appropriate and aimed to achieve the planned results. This coordination will put emphasis on on-time delivery of reports and to assure a smooth workflow in and among the different work packages. Internet communication will be used extensively to facilitate good communication, keep coordination costs down and to assure good documentation of the Project work.
Budget for WP1: Project management and coordination:
Staff costs1 : 49700 €
Revision of reports2 : 19200 €
Legal help3 : 1400 €
Printing and publishing: 2100 €
TOTAL: 72400 €
1 Costs for staff involved in management have been calculated using the following premises: it is assumed that Project coordinator will work all management activities within this Project 3.8 months in total per full duration of the Project. For two Project managers (one from UA and one from UPB) the same engagement will be 3.6 months and for administrative staff 3.8 months. Foreseen full-time monthly salary for Project coordinator is 4200 € including taxes, for Project managers UA = 4800 €, UPB = 3000 €, including taxes and for administrative staff 1500 € including taxes;
2 Costs for revision (audit costs) of the Project reports and budget spending by state-certified company are envisaged with the following amount UPB = 19200 €, for the three years of the Project;
3 Due to the complicated tender procedures and public-acquisition procedures for equipment purchase, funds are planned to cover additional legal help and staff that will perform these procedures, as well as those related to recruitment for new job openings.
WP2: Two-way mobility and training of research staff
More than ever before, the need to support the development of human capital and to increase the knowledgebase in Romania and subsequently in EU is of key importance.
Various mobility actions are a key factor within the proposed Project. They will enable the researchers in the consortium to technically unify their research activities, standardize the level of research and harmonize their work procedures with the ones utilized in the leading European institutions. The mobility actions are intended to promote circulation of expertise among the partners and to analyze the research capabilities of partner institutions in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. Three types/levels of mobility are planned: two-way secondments of research staff (3 months), medium-term stays (15 days) and short-term stays (5 days).
Two-way secondments will be performed between researchers from CNCCPMICP – UPB and POMA UMR - UA, lasting three months, twice during the Project life, with compulsory return. These secondments will be used for exchange of know-how and experience in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics between POMA UMR - UA and CNCCPMICP – UPB. Young researchers will be exposed to different working conditions and complementary equipment for experimental tests. During these stays, preparation of joint experiments is possible, as well as detailed planning of future joint research. These two-way secondments will serve as an important source of novel research results in the field and will result in a number of publications in leading international journals and conferences.
These activities will create a high degree of interaction, dialogue and exchange of ideas between scientists within partnering institutions, which will ensure leading-edge research and hence significantly contribute to strengthening the reputation of the participant’s research teams in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics.
Medium-term stays are aimed for training of six Ph.D. students. During these stays, they may be involved in preparing specific experiments on new topics in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. Through these stays, up-to-date knowledge and specific skills will be transferred between partners, thus creating a strong boost for further cooperative activities and for research/development activities in the near future.
The interaction with people of different backgrounds and languages will help young researchers to widen their knowledge and general horizons. Training is targeted to support implementation of the Project by updating personnel skills and knowledge on different working conditions and laboratory equipment.
These two-week activities are especially useful for CNCCPMICP – UPB staff, because such training will help researchers to gain access to knowledge and expertise existing in the EU. In this way, they will be able to strengthen, develop and consolidate research system in both Romania and EU. The experience gained during training will also contribute to the education process at University Politehnica of Bucharest, since the best young researchers with increased knowledge and international experience will be engaged in teaching process.
The main aim of short-term stays is to use partners’ expertise and experience in working with specific pieces of equipment or some specific research steps. The valuable experience gained through short stays will enable staff from the partnering institutions to apply some of this knowledge in their own institution. Short-term stays also provide a good method of networking, give a good overview of research directions at the partnering institutions, provide specific knowledge on organization of research and research institution itself, human resource management, etc. In addition, the complementary aspects of the partners will encourage the transfer of skills and expertise among the institutions and, consequently, among the participating countries.
Budget for WP2: Two-way mobilities and training of research staff:
Two-way secondments: 59200 €
Medium-term stays: 16200 €
Short-term stays: 14000 €
TOTAL: 89400 €.
4 400 Eur are foreseen for travel costs. For visits in directions from ROM to EU countries 180 Eur per day are foreseen for accommodation costs and in directions from EU countries to ROM for this purpose are planned 140 Eur per day.
WP3: Reinforcement of the human potential
This work package is devoted to tasks performed with the purpose of reinforcement of the human potential of research institutions in the consortium.
Two main activities are foreseen:
- recruitment by the CNCCPMICP – UPB of one incoming experienced researcher, and
- hiring of five new young researchers by the CNCCPMICP – UPB, as an research entity from Romania, belonging to the EU Convergence region.
An incoming experienced researcher will be encouraged as a return mechanism. Hence this Project will be very important factor for his final decision to come back to Romania and to continue with research, teaching, training and mentoring activities. His knowledge and experience will be invaluable, particularly for young researchers.
We strongly believe that his repatriation will be a motivating factor for other experienced researchers who left Romania. We trust that this is the best way to contribute to the brain-gain phenomenon and enhance sustainable development of research centres and laboratories in Romania.
Another important method for reinforcement of the human resources within the consortium will be hiring of new young researchers. New personnel, highly motivated for research work in the emerging fields of science and with strong educational background, will significantly contribute to the strengthening of Romanian research capacities. Candidates for these new openings will be selected according to equal-opportunity policy. The selection criteria will be based on the average grade during studies, field of studies, English and other foreign language abilities. Recently graduates from Bachelor or Master Studies will have priority.
Employment of one incoming experienced researcher and new young researchers is foreseen for period of 33 months, since the first three months are likely to be spent on the formal hiring procedure. There is a strong intention to extend the cooperation with the incoming researcher and new young researchers even beyond this Project’s timeframe and financial means will be provided from other sources (domestic research projects or other Framework Program projects). We are hoping that these funding sources will provide the continuation of these new appointees.
Budget for WP3: Reinforcement of the human potential
Recruitment of incoming experienced researcher: 75900 €
Hiring of five new young researchers: 306900 €
TOTAL: 382800 €.
WP4: Upgrading and renewal of research equipment
Modern and effective research equipment is critical in achieving valuable research results. Research infrastructures play a key role in the creation of knowledge and development of technology and in their diffusion, application and exploitation, thus fostering innovation.
Although modern equipment is important in all fields of science and technology, state-of-the-art measuring equipment is especially significant in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. The team members are selected on the basis of research quality and potential as well as on the complementary aspects of research equipment.
This work package is intended to open new opportunities for research staff from CNCCPMICP – UPB, Romania to have also access to modern equipment for POMA UMR - UA, France. A strategic approach implies an substantial upgrading of the existing equipment and purchasing of new one, in order to strengthen the research capabilities of CNCCPMICP – UPB.
Currently, the CNCCPMICP – UPB Laboratory is equipped with the following specific instruments for doing research in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics: Spectrofluorimeter FP 6500, Spectrometer UV – VIS – NIR: JASCO 670 V; Spectrometer FT – IR – RAMAN JASCO; Atomic Absorption Spectrometer ANALYTIK JENA (flame, furnace and hydride system); Gas Chromatograph – DANI (in flame ionisation detectors), with electron capture and thermal conductibility for organic acids analysis, PAH, THM, PCB, VOC, etc.); High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) – JASCO (detectors UV and fluorescence); Ion Chromatograph (IC) – SYCAM (detector for anions); Zeta Nanosizer MALVERN; Gas chromatograph with mass spectrometer (GC-MS) TERMO, Sonicator Sonics Vibra Cell VCX 750, Irradiation source, Vilber Lourmat, Spin Coating Laurell WS – 400B – 6NPP, Q-switch Nd YAG Laser (Quantel).
The Laboratory POMA UMR - UA allows the access to a sophisticated laser and their equipment for NLO investigations: Continuous lasers (3 lasers); visible and infra-red pulsed lasers (2 Quantel picosecond Nd YAG laser pulse duration about 30ps (2GW/cm2), 1 Quantel nano sencond laser Nd YAG pulse duration 7ns, 1 pico second CONTINUUM with 3 out put wavelenght 532 nm, 1064nm et 355nm and high power. The laboratory has access to Scanning probe microscopies STM, AFM and so on, Profilometer and Ellipsometer. In the field of luminescence, the laboratory benefits of three different lasers that can be used for spectroscopy study: a Spectra physics Beamblok 2060 argon laser, a Spectra Physics Quanta Ray INDI Nd-YAG laser, and a Spectron laser system SL4000 Dye laser. Sample fluorescence is focused on the entrance slit of a Jobin-Yvon THR 1500 monochromator. Visible fluorescence is detected with a Hamamatsu R943-02 photomultiplier tube connected to photon counting Stanford SR430. With this experimental device, it is possible to perform luminescence Spectra, luminescence decay, Fluorescence line narrowing, and time resolved spectroscopy.
Supplementary some computing facilities and their peripherals are needed, without being clearly mentioned, because their contribution to the better functioning of the Laboratory in CNCCPMICP – UPB is focused not only to the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics, but also to complementary topics, possible to develop during the running of the Project BIOCHEM.
The total price for the new equipment in the table above and for the computing facilities and their peripherals is estimated at 339800 €.
WP5: Knowledge transfer at national and international level
Two workshops are planned during the Project. The first workshop will be organized around halfway through the Project life and its title is planned to be “New approaches in sonic chemistry and electro-chemistry”. The second workshop, with a working title “Bio-physical influence of the variable strong fields on the microorganisms inside colloidal systems” will be organized towards the end of the Project life.
These workshops will provide knowledge transfer at national and international level as they will involve both key personnel of the consortium and invited researchers. The workshops will deal with two major issues in the proposed programme: presentation of complementary research facilities within the team members (including the presentation of purchased and up-graded equipment at CNCCPMICP – UPB and its capabilities) and presentation of newly acquired knowledge and skills in the field of the following topics:
- New developments in sonic-chemistry and electro-chemistry, with applications in processing biological liquids;
- New methods for studying the laminar flows of biological and technical liquids, inside domains under the combined influence of ultrasound and electrical fields;
- Electrical and micro-biological stability in manufacturing processes of emulsions, multiple emulsions and technical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food micro-emulsions;
- Industrial and environment applications of sonic-chemistry and electro-chemistry sciences;
- Cell membrane processes inside variable intensity fields;
- Neutralizing or destruction of the microorganisms inside variable intensity fields;
- Cell multiplication in bio-technological processes;
- Colloidal system processing inside variable intensity fields.
The participants will be from the team staff of the Project, researchers from other institutions, as well as industrial representatives. The workshops will try to identify new research directions and foster creation of research teams, emphasizing the co-operation among groups working in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. These discussions will focus on the development of joint research projects, with possible generation of new proposals in the FP7 and other research projects (e.g. EUREKA, SEE-ERA.NET, CIRCE, etc…) funding opportunities. Additionally, the workshops will be an opportunity for teaching and training activities, especially useful for young researchers.
In order to boost the reputation of the team members and to enhance the visibility of the Project results, six grants will be available for the participation at the workshops, but offered to participants who are not directly involved in this Project (researchers from other domestic research institutions, industry, students, etc.).
Apart from promoting the Project world-wide through traditional scientific channels, the team members are inclined to present several significant research achievements (new equipment and reinforced personnel will guarantee high level of research results) at various international conferences and in leading international journals.
Budget for WP5: Knowledge transfer at national and international level:
Organization of two workshops5: 6800 €
Workshop travel grants (ROM → ROM) 6: 7680 €
Workshop mobilities, EU → ROM 7: 9840 €
Organization of a special session at one interesting conference: 5600 €
TOTAL: 29920 €.
5 Two workshops will be organized during the Project life. These events will open to general public and offer dissemination and networking opportunities to a wider circle of researchers. The workshops will be organized as non-profitable events and there will be no attendance fee. Organization expenses are foreseen to cover printing and publishing costs, rent of the conference room, presentation equipment, refreshments, etc.;
6 One mean of dissemination on a regional level are travel grants that will be awarded to six persons from research institutions and industry in different regions from Romania, to cover expenses of attending both workshops;
7 Six researchers from the participants in the team members of the Project will actively participate in every workshop, delivering lectures and training.
WP6: Dissemination and promotional activities
This work package incorporates the activities designed to strengthen the network of the Project team members and to promote and disseminate expertise. These activities will ensure that resources, expertise, and research achievements become visible to a wider research, educational and industrial community. Activities of this type are anticipated for the whole duration of the Project.
Dissemination will be performed on different levels: international (European), regional (South-East Europe), domestic and local. A variety of dissemination methods are planned: participating at international and regional conferences, publishing scientific papers in leading international journals, presenting the research capabilities to the industry representatives, maintaining the Project web site, releasing short articles and news leaflets and delivering special lectures on Project activities.
Additionally, relationships between the Project team members and journalists (in the print media, radio and television) will be cultivated to ensure that results obtained within the Project will be disseminated to the public as widely as possible.
Each team member will focus on promoting the Project through its network of European contacts: research institutes, national institutions as well as industrial partners. In order to immediately improve the Project visibility, a logo will be designed and used in all the dissemination tools.
The first task in broadcasting of Project results will be creating a dedicated web site, containing all relevant information. The web site will be regularly updated in order to stay focused on providing fresh information to both team member and other interested parties. Short articles and news items will provide a forum for the exchange of information inside a wider scientific community.
Selected articles and news will be printed as leaflets in order to inform interested groups on the capabilities of the team members and their involvement in regional, national and international projects.
Dissemination success will be assessed by monitoring the number of visitors and visits to the web site by researchers outside the Project, by the demand for printed leaflets and the number of new contacts established at scientific conferences and other gatherings. The ultimate evaluation will be based on future research and consultancy contracts; especially those that utilize newly acquired equipment and expertise.
Scientific results of the project (contributions from the workshops, study visits, training, novel equipment, etc.) will be disseminated through publication in scientific journals and at international and regional conferences. In addition to fostering the exchange of ideas, these activities will further raise the already established scientific reputation of CNCCPMICP – UPB and POMA UMR - UA, in both domestic and international communities, thus making them favourable partners for future joint projects.
For a wider dissemination of research, participants do not need to restrict their participation at conferences within Europe. Participation at international conferences outside Europe will promote a wider understanding of the benefits of European collaboration as well as the dissemination of scientific results. The team members will give due acknowledgement of the support provided by the European Commission, even after the duration of the Project has been completed.
Budget for WP6: Dissemination and promotional activities:
Participation at international conferences 8: 16500 €
Participation at regional conferences 9: 10500 €
Setup and maintenance of the Project web site: 1600 €
Releasing news leaflets: 4800 €
TOTAL: 33400 €.
8; 9 To foster dissemination, funding is foreseen to help participation of Project staff at leading international and regional conferences, for the amount of 15 persons, for three years duration of the Project; average conference fees, accommodation and travel expenses per each type of conference.
In order to ensure uninterrupted progress of the Project and successful implementation of its objectives, risk analysis is performed that identifies possible problems and proposes contingency plans. From this point of view, the following possible risks can be identified:
- Extra costs in the process of purchasing equipment are needed
- Obstacle in the installation phase of new equipment
- Unpredicted unavailability of key personnel involved in the Project, which could be
caused by illness, personal circumstances or personal career decisions
- Problems with invited speakers and/or key participants at the Workshops
Contingency plan:
- If additional funds are needed for equipment, they will be provided from parts of CNCCPMICP – UPB budget, not originating from this Project
- To help overcome problems that may arise during installation, equipment suppliers will be bound by contracts strictly defining these issues
- Team members agree to take responsibility for their respective shares of staff input to the Project, or/and identify adequate potential contingency funding from their own resources
- Planning date of the Workshops in advance.
- Confirmed agreement with invited speakers and key participants. Only if needed, finding alternatives
Noteworthy is to mention that this Project generates a high level of enthusiasm within the team members, leading to their strong commitment, the work being directly aligned with current activities and interests. The result has been coherent, fruitful discussions and fluid negotiations over the whole proposal elaboration process, which makes us extremely confident about the success potential of this Project.
1.2.5. Description of each work package
The main objectives of this work package are: insuring undisturbed implementation of the Project; correlating different activities; arrangement of the instruments for the management and for the check analyze; connection and supervision among all the team members.
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks), and role of participants
Main result of this work package will be a smoothly running and successful project, which will achieve all its results within the budget and time constraints. The Project Management will ensure that a proper coordination across tasks and across team members will be maintained, to achieve the overall Project objectives within the planned time and budget.
The first task within this work package will be a kick-off meeting.
The Project Management Board will provide the overall strategic direction of the Project ratifies key managerial decisions and will review the Project progress at the major milestones. This Board will be composed of the Project Coordinator (from UPB), and two Local Managers (one per UPB and one per UA).
Project Steering Committee will be responsible for the management of the Project at the top level. It will be formed by representatives of team group, who will nominate a manager. The first Steering Committee meeting will be during the kick-off meeting of the Project and second and third Steering Committee meetings will be held during two planned workshops.
Annual Project reports, after Steering Committee approval, will be sent to the EU Commission Office for reviews and assessments of the Project progress.
In addition to project co-ordination and progress supervision, further tasks of the Project management are corrective actions and conflict resolution.
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)
Within this work package the following deliverables are foreseen:
D1.1 Minutes of the kick-off meeting (M2)
D1.2 First Annual Project report (M12)
D1.3 Minutes of the second Steering Committee meeting (M18)
D1.4 Second Annual Project report (M24)
D1.5 Minutes of the third Steering Committee meeting (M34)
D1.6 Final Project report (M36)
The first (kick-off) meeting of the team Project will be organized in month two of the Project life. The annual writing reports will cover all activities during that year and a final Project report will give a conclusion of what has been done during the whole project period. Minutes of the Steering Committee meetings represent documents about activities and actions of the Steering Committee.
This work package is aimed to mobility and training actions. The mobility actions are intended to promote circulation of expertise among the team members and to analyze the research capabilities of the staff in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. Training is planned in order to increase knowledge base of research staff as well as to help networking and foster future collaboration.
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks), and role of participants
Activities within this work package have been designed to ensure the exchange of know-how and experience between the team members.
Three types of mobilities are foreseen:
- two-way secondments (between UPB and UA)
- medium-term stays (among all team members)
- short-term stays (among all participants)
During two-way secondments (in total six month) young researchers will be exposed to different working conditions, novel scientific and technical aspects and complementary equipment. This stays will serve as a good mean for preparation of joint experiments and future joint project proposals.
Medium-term stays (15 days) are aimed for training of Ph.D. students from the two universities (UPB and UA) and they will be involved in preparing specific experiments on new topics in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics.
The main aim of short-term visits (5 days) is to use team members expertise and experience in working with specific pieces of equipment or to gain knowledge about management system in well-known EU research institutions.
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)
The following phase reports will be deliverables in this work package:
D2.1 Phase reports on the two-way secondments (M10-M25)
D2.2 Phase reports on the medium-term and short-term visits (M3-M34)
Every member of the Project staff need to give a phase report to the coordinator after any type of abovementioned mobilities and to present knowledge and experience gained during these stays. Additionally, it is necessary to explain realization and distribution of the financial means during the visits.
Recruitment (CNCCPMICP – UPB) of one incoming experienced researcher and hiring of new young researchers are main objectives of this work package. These activities will reinforce the human potential of the research teams and will contribute to prevent (or reduce) brain-drain phenomenon, typical for the South-Eastern part of Europe region, respectively for Romania.
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks), and role of participants
This work package is devoted to tasks performed with the purpose to reinforce the human potential of research institutions from where the team members belong. Two main activities are foreseen:
- recruitment by the CNCCPMICP – UPB of one incoming experienced researcher and
- hiring of five new young researchers by the CNCCPMICP – UPB, as an institution from the EU Convergence region.
In order to fulfil objectives with regard to hiring of new young researchers, following tasks need to be performed: advertising new job openings in national and regional newspapers; analysis of application documents and interviews with applicants; final selection of candidates; performing legal procedure for hiring and formal election of candidates.
In addition to the above-mentioned activities, person-months shown for this work package include also engagement of an incoming experienced researcher and newly hired researchers.
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)
D3.1 Report on the employment of the incoming experienced researcher and young researchers (M3).
After completion of legal procedure for hiring, the coordinator need to inform the Steering Committee on the
employment of one incoming experienced researcher and new young researchers.
The objective of this work package is upgrading and renewal of research equipment as well as training research staff for using new instruments and thus improving research capabilities of CNCCPMICP – UPB.
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks), and role of participants
This work package is intended to open new opportunities for research staff from CNCCPMICP – UPB, Romania to have access to pieces of modern equipment for research in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. Such a strategic approach to the upgrade of existing and purchase of new equipment will hugely strengthen the research capability of CNCCPMICP – UPB.
The work package can be broken down into following tasks: compiling tenders from the equipment suppliers; selecting the most appropriate quotation - based on the price, equipment quality and compatibility, warranty conditions, future maintenance possibilities, installation time, etc.; equipment provision; equipment installation; training of CNCCPMICP – UPB staff regarding the use of new equipment (delivered by the equipment suppliers.
Equipment foreseen for funding by this Project is relative long and was listed in the table presented in the paragraph 1.2.1, in the chapter dedicated to WP4.
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)
The following deliverables are planned within this work package:
D4.1 Report about tender documentation for purchasing new equipment and selection of the best offer (M3)
D4.2 Report on equipment purchasing, installation and training (M5)
New equipment, which will enhance existing measuring techniques and add some new ones, and therefore enlarge practical possibilities regarding the research in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics, will be purchased through a procedure of open tender for the best offer. The deliverables in this set presents documentations about legal tender procedure for purchasing new instruments. After completion purchasing procedure and after installation and training, the Project coordinator need to inform in the report form, the Steering Committee on the equipment purchased.
The main objective of this work package is providing knowledge transfer at national and international level for both key personnel of the consortium and invited scientists. Organization two workshops and one conference are planned in order to present complementary research facilities within the Project team members, including the presentation of purchased and up-graded equipment at CNCCPMICP – UPB and its capabilities, as well as to present newly acquired knowledge and skills in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics.
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks), and role of participants
The following tasks are planned within this work package:
- organization of the Workshop 1: “New approaches in sonic chemistry and electro-chemistry”,
- organization of the Workshop 2: “Bio-physical influence of the variable strong fields on the microorganisms inside colloidal systems”, and organization of the special session during an International Symposium.
The role of the CNCCPMICP – UPB staff will be both in organizational meaning and active participation at the Workshops and conference. Entire research staff of the Preject will participate in the above-mentioned
activities getting an excellent opportunity to boost their knowledge base, make new contacts and obtaining scientific exposure in a typical international environment.
In order to boost the reputation of the participants and to enhance the visibility of the Project results, six grants will be available for the participation at the workshops, but offered to participants who are not directly involved in this Project (researchers from other national, regional and domestic research institutions, industry, students, etc.).
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)
The following deliverables provide a comprehensive view of the results obtained in order to enable knowledge transfer at national and international level:
D5.1 Printed materials from the Workshop 1 (M18)
D5.2 Proceeding from the International Symposium and special session devoted to the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics (M24)
D5.3 Printed materials from the Workshop 2 (M34)
D5.4 Report on travel grants distribution for the Workshop 1 and Workshop 2 (M34)
The intended activities for the workshops organization also include: definition of the overall structure of the Workshops and list of invited lecturers and Report on distribution of travel grants for the workshops. After the Workshops and the International Symposium, printed materials, proceeding and CDs are planned as the means for facilitating knowledge transfer and reputation of participants in this Project.
The aims of this work package are to ensure dissemination and exploitation of the Project results through strengthening the network of the Project team members, as well as to promote and disseminate expertise of the participants. The actions will be focused on the promotion of the Project to both scientific and industry community.
Description of work (possibly broken down into tasks), and role of participants
Dissemination will be performed on different levels: international (European), regional (South-Eastern Europe), domestic and local.
The following dissemination methods are planned:
- participating at international and regional conferences;
- publishing scientific papers in leading international journals;
- presenting the research capabilities to the industry representatives;
- maintaining the Project web site;
- releasing short articles and news leaflets;
- providing interviews for the print media, radio and television and
- delivering special lectures on Project activities.
All these activities are planned to ensure increased visibility of the team members within wider international research communities, thus making them favourable partners for future joint projects.
Set up and maintenance of the Project web site will be mostly the role of the CNCCPMICP – UPB staff as well as printing promotional materials, but in all other dissemination and promotional activities will be involved personnel from all participants.
Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)
The deliverables in this set report the main results of the dissemination and promotional activities of this
D6.1 Final version of the Project web-site (M35)
D6.2 Summary report on promotional materials and promotional activities (M35)
D6.3 Summary reports on participation at international and regional conferences funded within the Project
(M18, M36)
The Project web site will be created as a very efficient dissemination tool. Additionally, all promotional materials will be posted on the Project web site and the report about these activities is planned as a deliverable in this work package. All involved staff need to provide the reports to the coordinator regarding their Project funded participation at international and regional conferences, too.
The main Project components and their interdependencies are depicted below in the Pert diagram:
Work package 1 (Project management and coordination), has direct influence to all other WPs.
Two-way mobilities and training of research staff will contribute to exchange of know-how and experience, thus increasing knowledge base of involved staff. This will enhance dissemination capabilities (WP6) and also has effect on WP5, because trained staff will participate at the Workshops and conferences.
One incoming experienced researcher and new hired young researcher (WP3) will be included in some of various types of mobilities (WP2) and also will participate at the Workshops and conferences in order to share knowledge, build new contacts and expose themselves to a more international environment.
Upgrading and renewal of research equipment (WP4) will directly increase CNCCPMICP – UPB research capacities as well as networking potentials. The access to new instruments will be open for both the Project team members and other regional research centers. New modern equipment will be an excellent opportunity for dissemination of know-how and for promotional activities (WP6) in order to establish reputation of the participants at the highest level.
Organizing two workshops and one international symposium (WP5) will be a good chance for dissemination of knowledge (WP6) among wider research community as well as among potential beneficiaries and raising public awareness. Knowledge gained through workshops (WP5) and participation at international and regional conferences (WP6) will give more intensity and significance to mobilities of research staff (WP2).
2. Implementation
2.1 Management structure and procedures
The organisational structure is designed to provide efficient technical and financial management of BIOCHEM, as well as the day-to-day administration, general coordination and supervision of the Project.
Considering the fact that the team of this Project belongs to two institutions, one from Romania and other from France, the management structure should not be so complicated.
The Project Management Board (PMB) provides the overall strategic direction of the Project ratifies key managerial decisions and reviews project progress at the major milestones. PMB will be composed of the Project Coordinator (Prof. Alexandru MARIN), Director of the Research Management Dept. from University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest – UPB and Prof. Bouchta SAHRAOUI, from University of Angers - UA. The Board will be chaired by the project coordinator. The Board will adopt all the necessary measures to guarantee the optimal integration and coordination of all project components, which will be required for the successful leadership of the team members in order to achieve the overall project objectives. In addition, PMB will be responsible for the monitoring of scientific, technological and financial execution of the Project. The coordinator responsibility is to maintain regular contacts with the NCPs and the EC. The Project coordinator also needs to collect and collate the financial and technical information regarding different activities within the Project and deliver cost statement and progress reports to the Steering Committee and the European Commission.
In order to achieve an efficient execution of the project, PMB will be responsible for the following activities:
- contacts between the team members;
- monitoring of the progress regarding the work plan;
- preparation of possible modifications/improvements of the work plan;
- timely preparation of the Project reports;
- scheduling and organization of the project meetings, workshops, conferences and promoting the Project activities and results.
Monitoring Steering Committee will be responsible for the management of the Project at the top level. It will be formed by chosen senior representatives of each scientific group, from the team of the Project. The first Steering Committee meeting will be the kick-off meeting of the Project, planned for the second month from the Project start date. In order to minimise travel, accommodation and subsistence costs, regular (the second and the third) Steering Committee meetings will be held during the two planned workshops. If any strategic problems, which cannot be handled by the Project Management Board, occur, additional Steering Committee meetings will be called by the project coordinator.
Project reports, after Steering Committee approval, will be sent to the EU Commission Office (by the coordinator) for reviews and assessments of the Project progress. If not requested otherwise. Project reports will be annual.
Communication within the Project will normally be performed by email and telephone. A detailed project plan, consistent with this proposal, will be produced at the start of the Project and discussed for approval at the first Steering Committee meeting. It will be then circulated to all Project team members, and published at the web site. The plan may be updated to reflect progress and changes in the work programme.
In addition to project co-ordination and progress supervision, further tasks of the Project management are corrective actions and conflict resolution. Critical situations have to be handled in additional management meetings and team members failures to provide certain deliverables will be handled in accordance with the procedures set out at the beginning of this Project.
Conflict resolution mechanisms
In the event of a conflict arising between any of the team members or between one of them and the work programme, the Parties shall first endeavour to settle it amicably. Failing that, the PMB will attempt to negotiate a resolution within the limits imposed by the contract and will inform the EC Project Officer of the situation. If negotiation fails, the matter will be referred to the Steering Committee for a simple majority decision on action to be taken.
Management of knowledge and intellectual property
In order to ensure smooth implementation of the Project work plan, a special session covering Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) issues will be organized at the kick-off meeting and all team members will be requested to fill the register of background pre-existing know-how. Any particular pieces of pre-existing know-how that will be excluded from access rights to other participants should be explicitly stated at this stage. However, this is very unlikely due to already established long-term cooperation among team members – so far we had no problems in sharing equipment, materials and results.
The team will do its best to ensure that published articles and other on-line or off-line material do not fall under any third parties IPR protection. Concerning a potential misuse of web-based service that will be offered by BIOCHEM to the public, necessary actions to secure the service will be taken. It will be a part of the project policy (PMB) to define a trade-off between the extremes of full openness (and full risk) and a closed user group (which is an obstacle for open collaboration).
2.2 Individual participants
Taking into account the interdisciplinary character of the project, its objectives will be accomplished within the interdisciplinary platform for bio-engineering and bio – technologies (BIOINGTEH), existing already in University POLITEHNICA from Bucharest. One essential Laboratory of this platform is organized in the Research Centre CNCCPMICP – UPB, where a key person is Dr. Ileana RAU. She graduated in 1994 from POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania. In 1995 she obtained the master degree and in 2002 she received the PhD degree in chemistry at the same university. In 2007 she received the DSc degree in Physics at the University of Angers France. She is co-author of more than 45 scientific publications including regular papers and 3 student textbooks. In the years 2004 – 2006 Dr. Rau was visiting scientist at Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique (CEA) Saclay France and University of Angers France, where she was working in projects on nonlinear optics with emphasis on semiconducting macromolecules, multifunctional materials and biomaterials. In present Dr. Rau is lecturer at POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest. Awards: Finalist of European Decartes prize (2007).
The total number of Dr. I.Rau papers citations is 82 (self citations of all authors are excluded), and h index is 5 (5 out of 29 – self citations of all authors are excluded) (Scopus – February 27, 2008). A selection of her relevant work is mentioned below:
1. Ileana Rau, P. Armatys, P.A. Chollet, F. Kajzar, C. Andraud, Y. Bretonnière, “Aggregation: A new mechanism of relaxation of polar order in electro – optic polymers”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 442 (2007), p. 329 – 333;
2. W. Bi, N. Louvain, N. Mercier, J. Luc, F. Kajzar, Ileana Rau, B. Sahraoui, “A switchable NLO organic-inorganic compound based on conformationally chiral disulfide molecules and Bi(III)I5 iodobismuthate networks”, Adv. Mat., 20, (2008), p. 1013 – 1017, doi:10.1002/adma.200701753,
3. O. Krupka, A. El-ghayoury, Ileana Rau, B. Sahraoui, J. G. Grote, F. Kajzar, “NLO properties of functionalized DNA thin films”, Thin Films, in press, doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2007.11.089;
4. Ileana Rau, J. Niziol, F. Kajzar, P.-A. Chollet, G. Brusatin, G. della Giustina, M. Guglielmi, R. Centore, M. E. van der Boom, “Novel Sol-Gel Systems For Application In Optical Signal Processing”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst, 446 (2006), p. 141 – 150.
The coordinator of the Project BIOCHEM is prof. Alexandru Marin. Over the 25 years of activity after graduating the university studies, 23 of them being continuously spent in University Politehnica from Bucharest - UPB, it were successfully approached the following scientific and technical topics: 1. Rheology of the adhesives and solder pastes, specific for SMT applications (within scientific group REOROM, in cooperation with CETTI – UPB and the National Centre for Engineering Sciences with Complex Fluids –NCESCF); 2. Mechatronic Systems, analyze – synthesis, mathematical modeling, numerical simulations and experimental identification (within FLUIDAS, in cooperation with SAHPR, APTE and Research Centre for Energy and Environmental Protection from UPB); 3. Impact and environmental studies, energy efficiency and feasibility studies for power plants (hydro, thermal and nuclear), within the Research Centre for Energy and Environmental Protection from UPB; 4. Implementing an efficient management system in the field of university research activities, for the 38 Research Centers from UPB, to the Scientific and Technological Park from UPB and for the Technological Transfer activities for the applicative results obtained in research activities from UPB (within the DMACS – UPB, being its Director from 2002 and in the Business and Technological Incubator / CETTI – UPB, as its Director from 2005).
In the field of the proposed project, in the last 5 years, Prof. Alexandru Marin has published:
1. Marin, Al., C.Bălan, B.Nae - Introducere în mecanica fluidelor nenewtoniene, cu aplicaţii în viscozimetrie, Editura AISTEDA (cod CNCSIS: 46), Bucureşti, 1998, 88 pag., ISBN 973-0-00575-3;
2. Marin Al., Luminita Marin – „Dinamica sistemelor mecano-electro-hidraulice si materialelor viscoelastice”, Edit. Printech (cod CNCSIS: 54), Bucuresti, 2005, 146 pagini, ISBN 973-718-405-X;
3. V.P. Paun, M. Olteanu, Al. Marin – TIME SERIES ANALYSIS ASSOCIATED TO HYDROGEN EFFECT IN HYDRIDED ZIRCALOY-4 SEM MICROGRAPHS, Revista de Chimie, ISSN 0034-7752, vol. 58, nr. 3, martie 2007, pp. 355-360;
4. Alexandru Marin: „Rheology of solder pastes for SMT applications”, Revista HIDRAULICA, nr. 1-2 (17) 2005, ISSN 1453-7303, pag. 7-16 ;
5. N.D. Codreanu, I. Plotog, P. Svasta, C. Turcu, G. Varzaru, D. Pitica, M. Gavan, A. Bara, C. Farcas, Al. Marin, T.C. Turcu – Implementaion of Ecological Technologies in Electronics Industry based on RESPLATEPE Research Project, International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology - ISSE 2007, ISBN 978-973-713-174-5, mai 2007, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 88-94;
6. M. Pana, Al. Marin, O. Alupei, D. Comanescu – NANOSCIENCE ACTIVITY IN UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, 4-th International Workshop on Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials – ANMM 2007, August 2007, Iasi, Romania (the Proceedings will be published in the Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, after a peer review process);
7. N.D. Codreanu, C. Turcu, T.C. Cucu, I. Plotog, P. Svasta, A. Stan, S. Jianu, Al. Marin – “SAC Alloys Implementation in Electronic Products Manufacturing”, 29-th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology - ISSE 2006, pp. 457-461;
8. Alexandru Marin, Andreea Calin, Corneliu Balan – „Constitutive Modeling of Polymer Solutions in Simple Shear and Oscillatory Tests”, ESAFORM 2005 - The 8-th Conference on Material Forming, Cluj-Napoca, april 2005, pp. 791-794, ISBN 973-27-1174-4.
Another key person in the Research Centre CNCCPMICP – UPB, is Dr. Dan Constantin BADEA, specialist in process engineering, biophysics, innovation and technological transfer.
Significant papers published by Dr. D.C. Badea on the proposed theme ale listed below:
1. Badea C. Dan, Nagy, I. Iosif (1992)-Unele considerente privind mecanismele biofizice implicate în acţiunea câmpurilor electrostatice şi ultrasonore asupra celulelor, Lucrările Primei Conferinţe Anuale a Societăţii de Biofizică Pură şi Aplicată, Bucureşti, 14-15 Nov. 1992.
2.Badea C. Dan, Marcu, D. (1992) -Aspecte preliminare ale mecanismelor biofizice implicate în multiplicarea celulară a algelor cu ajutorul energiei solare, Lucrările Primei Conferinţe Anuale a Societăţii de Biofizică Pură şi Aplicată, Bucureşti, 14-15 Nov. 1992.
3. Badea C. Dan, Ghimbovschi C. (1994) -Studiu privind influenţa câmpului electrostatic asupra materialului granular vegetal, în vederea îmbunătăţirii parametrilor de uscare, Lucrările celui de al II-lea Simpozion Internaţional "Biotehnologiile - Azi şi Mâine", BIOTEHNOS, Bucureşti, 29-30 Sept. 1994.
4. Ghimbovschi, C., Badea C. Dan(1994) -Staţie modernizată pentru uscarea materialului vegetal utilizând câmpul electrostatic, Lucrările celui de al II-lea Simpozion Internaţional "Biotehnologiile - Azi şi Mâine", BIOTEHNOS, Bucureşti, 29-30 Sept. 1994.
5. Bărbulescu, N., Nagy, I., Badea C. Dan (1994) -Aspecte biotehnice ale înlocuirii pasteurizării termice cu pasteurizarea neconvenţională, Lucrările celui de al II-lea Simpozion Internaţional "Biotehnologiile - Azi şi Mâine", BIOTEHNOS, Bucureşti, 29-30 Sept. 1994.
6. Badea C. Dan (1996) -Electrostatic elimination of the microbial vectors, Journal of Food Physics, Supplement, Budapest, 1996.
7. Badea C. Dan (1996) -Electrostatic destroying of microorganisms from liquid media, Journal of Food Physics, Supplement, Budapest, 1996.
Dr. D.C. Badea has filed and obtained several Patents in the field of biotechnologies:
1. Nikolic Vasilie, Badea Constantin Dan, Dobrin Alexandru, Guta Tudor, Procedeu pentru eliminarea electrostatica a cojilor dintre miezurile de seminte oleaginoase si separator pentru aplicarea procedeului, Brevet Ro 90452 / 1986.
2. Badea Constantin Dan, Nikolic Vasilie – Procedeu pentru amestecarea electrostatica a lichidelor, Brevet Ro 91707 / 1986.
3. Badea Constantin Dan, Velcescu Benone - Separator electrostatic pentru curatirea miezurilor de seminte oleaginoase, Brevet Ro 100598 / 1989.
4. Badea Constantin Dan, Antohi Constantin, Toma Irina, Guta Tudor - Procedeu pentru purificarea electrostatica a germenilor de grau si separator pentru aplicarea procedeului, Brevet Ro 100599 / 1989.
5. Badea Constantin Dan, Spataru Nicolae, Toma Irina, Guta Tudor - Procedeu pentru curatirea electrostatica a germenilor de porumb, Brevet Ro 100600 / 1989.
6. Badea Constantin Dan, Hanu Ion, Cojocaru Viorica, Ruse Adriana, Brasoveanu Elena, Serbanescu Octavian - Procedeu electrostatic pentru tratarea atermica a berii, Brevet Ro 110533 / 1996.
7. Badea Constantin Dan - Procedeu electrostatic de conditionare sanogena a produselor cerealiere, Brevet Ro 116950 / 2001.
8. Badea Constantin Dan, Georgescu Petre Dan, Predescu Cristian, Aurelian Florian, Neacsu Constantin - Procedeu de separare a particulelor microscopice din lichide, Brevet Ro 120954 / 2006.
9. Badea Constantin Dan, Deak Gyorgy, Georgescu Petre Dan, Predescu Cristian, Deak
Stefania - Procedeu termo-vibroelectrostatic pentru purificarea particulelor de sare gema Cerere de brevet de inventie nr. a 2002 00046.
The laboratory POMA UMR CNRS 6136 is powerful (more than 20 years experience) in the mentioned below fields. The POMA belong to the University of Angers and is recognised by National Center of scientific research CNRS (the most prestigious organization of research in France) and by the French Ministry of High Education, Research and Development. The Laboratory POMA is composed of 27 permanent researchers and 15 not permanent researchers (PHD student + post-doc ). The laboratory possesses a large expertise in all domains relevant to optics, non-linear optical materials and nano-photonics in both visible and infrared regions. The laboratory POMA are looking for transparent materials for applications in ultra-fast all-optical switching. There is need for such materials because the use of opto-electronic technologies in telecommunications will be limited in the near future (10 years) by the ability to handle information carried through optical networks using electro-optic transducers (they suffer from a limited bandwidth of several gigahertz). The possibility which can be offered by such transparent materials having the large electronic non-linearities can be very promising for all-optical switching.
The Laboratory POMA establishment of central facilities will allow to the participants in this project to have high training and educational access to scientific resources, particularly the sophisticated laser and their equipment for NLO investigations. This will include computing power, as well as special experimental expertise in the materials science. All infrastructures required for realisation of the proposed research project are available in laboratory POMA UMR CNRS 6163 (Continuous lasers (3 lasers); visible and infra-red pulsed lasers (2 Quantel picosecond Nd YAG laser pulse duration about 30ps (2GW/cm2), 1 Quantel nano second laser Nd YAG pulse duration 7ns, 1 pico second CONTINUUM with 3 out put wavelength 532 nm, 1064nm et 355nm and high power). The laboratory have access to Scanning probe microscopes STM, AFM and so on), Profilometer and Ellipsometer
In the field of luminescence, three different lasers can be used for spectroscopy study: a Spectra physics Beamblok 2060 argon laser, a Spectra Physics Quanta Ray INDI Nd-YAG laser, and a Spectron laser system SL4000 Dye laser. Sample fluorescence is focused on the entrance slit of a Jobin-Yvon THR 1500 mono-chromatic. Visible fluorescence is detected with a Hamamatsu R943-02 photomultiplier tube connected to photon counting Stanford SR430. With this experimental device, we can perform luminescence Spectra, luminescence decay, Fluorescence line narrowing, and time resolved spectroscopy.
The activities of our laboratory outlined above can be categorised into two main lines depending on the nature of the light matter-interaction process underlying the materials phenomena of interest. On one side, we consider non-resonant NLO interactions such as those involved in second harmonic generation (SHG), third order nonlinear optical susceptibilities, electro-optical effects and intensity-dependent refractive index changes. We focus on those which are, at present, most actively investigated because of their technological relevance, namely:
- Second order nonlinear optical susceptibilities
- Third order nonlinear optical susceptibilities (using DFWM, THG and Z-scan)
- Diagnostics: detection of phase transition using nonlinear optics
- Nonlinear transmission and optical limiting
- Dynamic holography including optical data storage
- Photo-Induced second harmonic generation PISHG
- Electro-optical effects
Key persons in POMA UMR CNRS 6136 are: François Kajzar (Prof), Bouchta SAHRAOUI (Prof), Sylvie dabos-Seignon (Dr) and Abdelkrim El-Ghayoury (Dr).
2.3 Consortium as a whole (only if relevant)
The participants collectively constitute a team capable of achieving the objectives, but not explicitly as a consortium, because only UPB is the single proposer of the project.
i) Sub-contracting: No sub-contracting is foreseen for this Project.
ii) Other countries: Participation and funding of any other countries (without UPB from Romania) is not foreseen within this Project proposal.
2.4 Resources to be committed
The resources are located at the two institutions implied with some members in the team Project, one in the EU Convergence region (UPB) and one the EU countries (UA). Within the created partnership, attention has been paid that facilities and available equipment should be complementary in order to optimize realization of this Project.
Developing and up-grading of the existing research infrastructure, it is necessary to buy equipment for ultrasound applications, high voltage generator and electrical equipment, along with corresponding measurement instruments.
As ultrasound equipment, it is necessary to have apparatus producing field of 20-40 kHz, the optimal domain for water propagation (ultrasound device type IC-1620 INTEGRATED CLEANER - Branson Ultrasonics Corporation), having possibilities for heating up to 60 ºC and digital control of this parameter. It is needed a unit for continuously processing of liquids in ultrasound field LIQUID PROCESSING UNIT (Branson Ultrasonics Corporation), working at 20 kHz, 220 V and having power of 1kW. The study of the processes at cell level we need the Branson Sonifier® ultrasonic cell disruptor and accessories Sonifier® ACCESSORIES (Branson Ultrasonics Corporation).
In electrical field, it is necessary a high voltage generator High Voltage DC Power Supply (Glassman Europe Limited), working in the range 1 – 60 kV d.c.
For microbiological experiments it is needed an apparatus type Beckman Coulter Z Series Coulter Counter Cell and Particle Counter, with measurement range 1–120 μm and a spectral photo-meter Beckman Coulter DU 800 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer (with wave length from 190 to 1100 nm), respectively a microscope Nikon Mini Field Microscope 20x Stereoscopic Naturescope - 7314 w. A pH-meter like METTLER TOLEDO S20FB pH/mV/Temperature Meters Meter With Inlab 425 Electrode w is absolutely necessary and an analytical weighting machine Mettler Toledo Classic Level, AB-S/VWR Analytical and PB-S/VWR Precision Top-Loading Balance. An apparatus for water distillation could be Barnstead MEGA-PURE Automatic Water Distillation Apparatus.
Duration of the Project is 36 months with an envisaged effort of 305 person-months. The biggest part of the budget is planned for the reinforcement of the human potential (37.57%), and for equipment up-grading (33.35%), after that for two-way mobilities and research staff training (8.78%), since investments into equipment and human capital directly lead to strengthening of the research capacities participants. Additional 3.28% of the budget is devoted to dissemination and promotional activities, as well as 2.94% for knowledge transfer at national and international level (both activities include organization of workshops, maintaining web site, participation at conferences and realization of different promotional materials). Management and coordination activities take 7.11% of the overall budget and also include audit costs. Overheads are planned to cover indirect institutional
costs, telephone, fax, bank losses, visa costs (for staff from WBC), etc. and they are not greater than 7% of the total budget of the Project.
All presented material and human resources will be mobilised to achieve the objectives of the Project in an optimal and coherent way.
3. Impact
3.1 Expected impacts listed in the work programme
This proposal is aimed to strengthen the current research capabilities and underpin the expansion of growing Laboratories, devoted to the topic of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics, through international cooperation.
The proposed Project will contribute towards a significant number of aspects regarding the expected impacts listed in FP7 Capacities Work Programme: Research Potential. This is illustrated below.
Reinforcement of the CNCCPMICP – UPB as a research center established in the EU’s Convergence region. The aim of CNCCPMICP – UPB is to continuously create a balance between basic science, whose purpose is to make new scientific discoveries, and applied science, whose purpose is to develop new technologies and products.
Although CNCCPMICP – UPB has been involved in a number of EU research projects, an initiative for improving research capabilities is always welcome. In the frame of this Project, research capacities at CNCCPMICP – UPB will be increased in the following ways. Firstly, the Project will enable the CNCCPMICP – UPB staff to widen mobilities devoted to the exchange of know-how, experience and training in their main research focus. This will advance their expertise in a broad spectrum of activities. Secondly, CNCCPMICP – UPB staff will be reinforced by hiring of five young researchers. This is a good way to refresh the research staff with young highly motivated scientists, which can guarantee mobilization of human potential and exploitation of RTD results.
Improving and enlarging the RTD capacity of Romanian
Research capacities of CNCCPMICP – UPB, Romania will be improved in several ways. On personnel front, this will be achieved through two-way secondments of research staff, training of CNCCPMICP – UPB Ph.D. students at POMA UMR - UA, recruitment of an incoming experienced researcher and employment of five new young researchers. The recruitment of one incoming experienced researcher will have a “brain gain-effect” and this will be a driving force of knowledge transfer and quality assurance in the country of origin. Engagement of new young researchers will enlarge the personnel base and also reduce the “brain-drain effect” which has been significant in Romania.
The second element of enlarging the RTD capacity will be through upgrading and renewal of research equipment. The new state-of-the-art instruments will complement the existing equipment and thus meet the needs of CNCCPMICP – UPB in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. This will strengthen its position as one of the most accomplished laboratories of this type in Romania. Such a status will have a strong impact on policy makers during the definition of future industrial and scientific development strategies, where CNCCPMICP – UPB will put the accent on.
Improvement of research capabilities at CNCCPMICP – UPB will directly contribute to the enrichment of the research portfolio performed in UPB and to the production of new research programmes and novel ideas. In the future, CNCCPMICP – UPB will expand and accept more contracts that will lead to new job openings.
Better integrate EU Convergence region countries in FP7 networks and RTD projects
Activities such as mobility, networking, sharing of both results and experiences will provide the opportunity to nurture closer and better partnerships. This will have a positive impact on fostering a multilateral programme approach by supporting R&D projects through the exchange of knowledge and expertise. Additionally, participating researchers from Romania will be able to take advantage of their knowledge gained from this Project for easier access to EU programmes (strengthening the participation of the CNCCPMICP – UPB in future thematic priorities in the frame of FP7). The above-mentioned activities will build up a stronger knowledge-based society, reduce the brain drain, and contribute to economic and social development and regional cooperation.
Generally speaking, this Project proposal is aimed at structuring and expanding the European Research Area to the EU Convergence region countries by coordinating and supporting RTD activities. In addition, a very important factor is training regarding R&D management skills in order to pave the way for a successful participation of the CNCCPMICP – UPB and partnering institutions in European and multilateral projects. This facilitates the sustainability of the collaboration within the partnership.
Contribution to the regional capacity building
Last but not the least, the success for building a regional RTD capacity in the South-Eastern part of Europe will be measured by applying a project in INTERREG IVC Program – European Regional Development Fund and, with the contribution of the present Project, to be accepted for financing.
3.2 Spreading excellence, exploiting results, disseminating knowledge
The main idea of this Project is based on the realization of the FP7’s international dimension through promoting closer cooperation between participants, each having specific competencies and experiences in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. Spreading excellence, exploiting results and dissemination of knowledge represent a key factor of the Proposal. In addition to the usual publication of Project results in international journals and conferences, the teams involved in this Proposal have enough organizational and practical experience to guarantee an efficient way for dissemination of knowledge and result exploitation.
The areas, which will benefit from the realization of this Project are summarized below.
I. The institutional level
Through the successful realization of this Project UPB will have great benefits. Purchase of new equipment is of a huge importance for University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, as the lack of modern equipment for Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics may hinder the quality of the future research activities and research results in this very progressive field. Ultimately, state-of-the-art equipment will lead to a higher quality of postgraduate and undergraduate education. By reinforcing the CNCCPMICP – UPB staff, the research base of the University will be enhanced. Finally, the team members will establish sustainable collaboration and place themselves in a strong position for further grants.
II. The research community
To disseminate the results of this Project in the wider scientific community, the team plans to:
- publish papers at international conferences and journals;
- organize a special session at an international symposium.
During these events interest for partnering institutions will be enlarged in research community and consequently this will bring new research projects and innovative research directions.
III. The industry
Consortium members have a numerous cooperative links with the industry. For example, CNCCPMICP – UPB has long established cooperation with companies from Romania, recently focusing on environmental protection applications. The modern developed techniques could lead to improved environmental protection technologies produced by such companies, increase of their productive output and income, as well as boost of export, which is particularly important for companies and the whole country. Therefore it is expected that results of this Project will have a great impact on the industrial sectors concerned with production and implementation of modern non-pollutant technologies. The planned two workshops, company-specific lectures or seminars, demonstration of ability of newly purchased equipment are planned activities targeted at the industrial community.
IV. The regional level
Dissemination of knowledge accumulated through this Project presents an important boost to other institutions in Romania working in similar research areas. To foster and optimize dissemination of Project results, and to increase specific scientific knowledge base in the South-Eastern part of Europe, participation of some regional partners is foreseen at the two workshops (from WBC, Hungary and Bulgaria). This is also a very good opportunity for dissemination and promotion of the Project results at the regional level.
V. The European level
Establishing closer partnership among the team members will lead to the formation of a new network in the field of Colloidal Chemistry, with applications in Bionics and Biophysics. Important outcome of this Project will be creation of a group of excellent scientists whose skills cover a wide range of necessary competencies, able to lead the innovation and to advance the research in the above mentioned field. This Project will try to overcome the fragmentation between very active and scientifically excellent European research groups, which have not had the opportunity to really integrate and synergically collaborate within one Framework Programme Project.
The main outcome of this approach will be establishing an excellent international research partnership, which will be maintained well beyond the duration of this Project.
All activities planned within this Project proposal will lead to the better involvement of the Laboratories from the EU Convergence region (Romania) in the European Research Area. In that way, Europe will enlarge its research and industrial achievements towards the less advanced regions.
4. Ethical Issues
The proposed Project raises no ethical issues. In the same way, no safety-related issues are raised because research performed by team members in no way involves harmful materials such as toxins, dangerous chemicals or cancerogenic substances. Moreover, this Project will contribute to the consciousness about environmental protection.