European scientists are permanently interested in the profound study of the RDI management. The determination of an explicative model for a corporate innovative culture as a key factor of competitiveness is one of the issues analysed in articles, studies and specialised books. These articles make a profound analysis of the educational culture, formulates hypotheses consisting in a model with many elements and variables. These variables are reduced to a number of explicative variables with significant correlation coefficients. The factorial analysis is applied to these variables and results in some situations where the factors of influence ensure an innovative culture. The main implications of the strategic knowledge management from the area of the cognitive flows and the interactions from the strategy of the training process, in the emergent and rapid environments in progress are discussed in different papers. These studies are based on a case research of innovative companies belonging to the “internet banking” sector from Spain. These researches highlight the relevance of the understanding and consideration of the different dimensions of the knowledge involved in the process in order to promote its emergence inside the organisation and creativity stimulation. Briefly, these papers show the main theoretical and practical implications of strategy understanding, as a creative process with double knowledge loop. Other studies address the relation among creativity, innovation and development of the new product in a multidisciplinary and multidepartmental manner. The development of the new product is generated by a large number of ideas. In addition, the process of generating ideas can be fertile in a multidisciplinary and cooperating environment, where the companies and scientific and technological institutions coexist and cooperate. The mentioned researches go deeply in the existent literature to investigate the creativity and the process that generates ideas inside a multidepartmental and multidisciplinary cooperation frame, involving companies and scientific and technological institutions. The favourable conditions of this process and the factors that influence the development of the creative potential and that exist in multidisciplinary groups are identified. Among the projects recently funded by the European Union, we can mention the IASMINE project - Impact Assessment Systems and Methodologies for Innovation Excellence, which is a pilot project made in Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria and Poland, aiming at ensuring the political decedents with specific methodologies and tools based on the evaluation of the impact and “benchmarking”, to enhance the efficiency of the local RDI policy, becoming aware of the local innovative actors over the innovation policies and dissemination of the good practices in the future development of the regions and project partners. Other European projects propose a new sustainable model for the transnational technological transfer or study the possibilities of innovation, learning and rise in the living standards through cultural interactions in an extended Europe. The European forums, authorities and organisms have proceeded to commissioning these studies and scientific researches as a consequence of the need to evaluate the RDI phenomenon from the European and local perspective, in order to develop work methodologies with extended use.
The theme of knowledge and modelling of the innovative-creative process in RDI is complex. Different researchers, involved in RDI management, have proposed different models, such as the technological substitution models (TSM) in order to study the temporal dependence aspects of the RDI result dissemination process. Although there are many such models of the innovation diffusion, many of them cannot fully work in certain cases. Such an example is the transition system which according to Andersson’s specifications is under the influence of the categories of factors:
- factors with a strong impact;
- factors with a weak impact.
The three systems of human activity organise the activities within some functionally-correlated domains: while the economic systems are associated with the production and use of welfare, the social and political systems are focused on institutions and the control of the structures from society. The cultural systems aim at creating, maintaining and changing the meaning or values in society. Each of these systems is characterised by its structure and behaviour, by frame and actions. The limit of theses systems is not of the “membrane coating” type but rather of the behavioural construction which limits the behaviour of the component systems. The technology and infrastructure create systems of development for several socio-economic and cultural different entities. The technology is the new instrumental knowledge working for the modernisation of the products, new production processes, and innovations in finances, marketing, business, services, institutions and government. All these innovations offer a potential major change in quantity and quality related to economic opportunities. The initial condition to capture this potential is the creation of new material infrastructures correlated with the restructuring of the non-material substructures. Such material or non-material infrastructures, which are at certain critical levels, contribute to the conversion from one economic regime to another. After a significant rate of infrastructure (slow) variable growth, the regime remains stable, after which, at a critical point, turns non linear and chaotically towards the transition to the new regime. The successful development requires the identification of those synergetic opportunities included in that levels, combinations of slow variables (such as infrastructures) and the synergetic coordination of the fast variables. The levels and combinations of the variables are also of great interest if the regime change is associated with the domains of the material and non-material infrastructures that together change the context of the economic opportunities. The new Innovation Plan for Europe has to contribute with new knowledge to RDI management, investigating the process and phenomenology of science which rely on the critical analysis of the concepts, on a harmonised terminology and which proposes a conceptual model of the RDI process and a methodology for the evaluation of the nature, cost, social relevance and dynamics of the research, development and innovation models within the process of economic growth.
The theme of knowledge and modelling of the innovative-creative process in RDI is complex. Different researchers, involved in RDI management, have proposed different models, such as the technological substitution models (TSM) in order to study the temporal dependence aspects of the RDI result dissemination process. Although there are many such models of the innovation diffusion, many of them cannot fully work in certain cases. Such an example is the transition system which according to Andersson’s specifications is under the influence of the categories of factors:
- factors with a strong impact;
- factors with a weak impact.
The three systems of human activity organise the activities within some functionally-correlated domains: while the economic systems are associated with the production and use of welfare, the social and political systems are focused on institutions and the control of the structures from society. The cultural systems aim at creating, maintaining and changing the meaning or values in society. Each of these systems is characterised by its structure and behaviour, by frame and actions. The limit of theses systems is not of the “membrane coating” type but rather of the behavioural construction which limits the behaviour of the component systems. The technology and infrastructure create systems of development for several socio-economic and cultural different entities. The technology is the new instrumental knowledge working for the modernisation of the products, new production processes, and innovations in finances, marketing, business, services, institutions and government. All these innovations offer a potential major change in quantity and quality related to economic opportunities. The initial condition to capture this potential is the creation of new material infrastructures correlated with the restructuring of the non-material substructures. Such material or non-material infrastructures, which are at certain critical levels, contribute to the conversion from one economic regime to another. After a significant rate of infrastructure (slow) variable growth, the regime remains stable, after which, at a critical point, turns non linear and chaotically towards the transition to the new regime. The successful development requires the identification of those synergetic opportunities included in that levels, combinations of slow variables (such as infrastructures) and the synergetic coordination of the fast variables. The levels and combinations of the variables are also of great interest if the regime change is associated with the domains of the material and non-material infrastructures that together change the context of the economic opportunities. The new Innovation Plan for Europe has to contribute with new knowledge to RDI management, investigating the process and phenomenology of science which rely on the critical analysis of the concepts, on a harmonised terminology and which proposes a conceptual model of the RDI process and a methodology for the evaluation of the nature, cost, social relevance and dynamics of the research, development and innovation models within the process of economic growth.
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